Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

My stomach growled when it realized that we missed dinner. I planned on ignoring my hunger because I didn't want to go all the way downstairs but eventually my stomach won and I was off my bed and on my way to the kitchen.

Not surprisingly, mom was in the kitchen when I got there, making something that smelled amazing.

"Hey sweetie." She greeted me.

"Mom." I whined, she knew I hated that nickname.

She rolled her eyes and chuckled in response.

I opened the fridge and took out some leftovers from last night, then popped it in the microwave to heat up.

"So, how have you been lately? I barely ever see you anymore, where have you been?" Mom asked after a moment of silence.

"I'm good. And I've been hanging out with Sophia." I answered nonchalantly.

"I knew you two were dating!" She exclaimed.

"No!" I shouted, furiously shaking my head.

But she wasn't exactly wrong. I was taking Sophia on a date, but it would be our first date so we weren't dating yet.

But that didn't stop us from kissing. Only one time though, but that one kiss was incredible. I didn't know a kiss could feel so good. I had no idea exactly how it happened, but it fit into my plan perfectly. I just wished I could stop thinking about it. It was constantly on my mind and every time I looked at Sophia I wanted to kiss her all over again.

I was so lost in thought that when my phone buzzed I nearly had a heart attack.

From: Sweetheart

That's not fair!

I chuckled and shook my head at her childish text.

To: Sweetheart

Life isn't fair sweetheart, get used to it.

"Who's sweetheart?" Mom asked once the text was sent, scaring me halfway to death, I forgot she was in the room.

Then I realized what she said.

"We're you reading my text?" I asked in disbelief, realizing that she must have looked over my shoulder to find out who I was messaging.

"So what if I was? Now answer my question." She said, placing her hands on her hips.

I rolled my eyes, "It's no one."

But once those words left my mouth I realized how untrue they were. Sophia was not no one to me. She had always been a big part of my life, whether it was being my enemy and the person I was competing with at school, or my new friend and the only girl I actually seemed cared about.

Almost everything I did revolved around her in some way. The way I dressed and acted so I could beat her at most popular. The people I hung out with because they were on my side. The people I hated because they were on her side. And now she was an even bigger part of my life. I was constantly thinking about how to help her, I was revolving my whole life around her lately.

The realization terrified me. Without Sophia in my life I wouldn't be me, and nothing would be the same. Someone I once wished would disappear off the face of the earth was a vital part of who I was as a person.

The beep of the microwave mercifully ripped me from my troubling thoughts.

I took my food out and told mom I would eating in my room tonight before I headed upstairs. I picked at my food but didn't eat a lot. I wasn't really hungry after my discovery about Sophia.

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