Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Wake up my beautiful star." A voice cooed as a hand caressed my cheek.

My eyes snapped open when I realized who that voice belonged to.

There he was, smiling down at me with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

My blood ran cold when I realized this was all real. It wasn't a nightmare this time.

"Oh don't look so scared. I'm not gonna hurt you unless you make me." David laughed, walking away to the other side of the room.

This gave me a chance to take in my surroundings. The walls were wood and looked like they could collapse at any moment, and the floor was covered in hay, so we were most likely in a barn. And something this worn down was definitely very secluded.

"What do you want?" I sneered, attempting to stand up only to find that my hands and feet were tied to the chair I was sat in.

"I'm torn really. I want you all to myself, but I also want revenge for being locked up. Do you see my dilemma?" He asked rhetorically.

Cry me a river hun I wanted to say but I knew to keep my mouth shut.  I wouldn't be able to hold back my remarks forever though.

"To kill or not to kill? Now that is the question." He continued, laughing at his own joke. He always did have a thing for poetry.

As he continued to laugh I studied him. He had the same shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes I remembered, giving off a false sense of security. His features were so soft and gentle, if you didn't know him you'd feel certain he couldn't hurt a fly. His looks never matched his personality, there was no way to know what his true intentions were, making him the perfect predator.

The only thing different I noticed about him was how much muscle he put on. He could already overpower me before he went to jail, I had absolutely no chance at fighting him off now.

He still had the same unpredictable angry energy. I knew at any moment he could snap and kill me without a second thought, but that scare me anymore. Death seemed oddly inviting when I thought about what else he could do to me. And what did I have to live for anyway? Tori was the only thing keeping me alive since everything happened, but she'd be better off without me. I brought pain and danger everywhere I went.

"What do you think I should do Star?" He asked, training his evil eyes on me.

"Either way I'm gonna die so I really don't care." I spat back, venom dripping from my voice.

"How so?" He asked, looking at me like he was observing something under a microscope.

"If you kill me I'll die, and if you don't kill me, I'll kill myself." I explained and smirked when I saw his cocky expression turn to pure shock.

"Well I can't let that happen now can I?" He said, walking towards me like a lion staking its prey.

I probably shouldn't have opened my big fat mouth. Now he'd keep me alive just because I didn't want him to. The only way I could get out of that was by making him completely snap.

"So how's jail been?" I asked, forcing a smirk on my face. I needed to get him angry, I just wanted this to be over.

"I met a lot of people who gave me great ideas for what to do to you when I got out." He sneered, but quickly composed himself and smiled down at me.

"Why don't you demonstrate one of those ideas." I urged him, raising my eyebrows challengingly.

He bent down until he was eye level with me, then he leaned forward slowly.

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