Chapter Eight

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The party was in full swing when Garrett and I arrived. Outside people were passed out on the lawn, and inside everyone was either drinking, dancing, or making out. And don't get me started on the people going upstairs, obviously they were about to do the nasty. This was literally the most cliché party you could imagine, like something out of a movie.

Garrett and I went off to the kitchen to get drinks, a beer for him and water for me, then decided to split up since he wanted to find "a boy with a good booty".

I scanned the crowd while I made my way out of the kitchen, hoping to find my boyfriend's familiar mop of blonde hair.

I pushed through the crowd to get a better look around, but still no Dylan.

"Hey baby." A familiar voice spoke from behind me, causing a smile to lift my lips.

Then the culprit grabbed my waist and spun me around so I was facing him.

"Hey Lan." I greeted.

I could tell by the way he was swaying side to side that he was already drunk.

He planted a sloppy kiss on my lips and started to pull me towards the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt to get his attention.

He glanced at me for a quick second before going back to the task at hand.

"I just want to go somewhere quieter, my head is pounding from the music."

"Okay." I agreed hesitantly, drawing out the word.

Once we were upstairs Dylan pulled me into the nearest room. I sat down on the bed and he took a seat beside me.

"You're beautiful." He whispered, caressing my cheek for a moment before he leaned down and kissed me. It quickly turned into full on making out and before I even realized it he was on top of me, shirtless and trying to take my dress off.

I didn't want this to happen, I wasn't ready for this kind of thing, especially when he was drunk.

"Dylan stop." I said calmly, pushing on his chest to indicate that I wanted him off.

"C'mon baby, do this for me." He slurred.

I tried more frantically to push him off. People changed when they were drunk and I didn't want to take any chances with him.

"Dylan get off!" I yelled, kicking and scratching, pulling his hair. Anything to get him off me as he continued to fumble with my dress.

"Baby do this for me." He repeated.

"Dylan stop. I don't want this." I sobbed, a few tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't go through this again.

He still didn't stop so I did the only thing I could think of. I kneed him right between his legs as hard as I could.

He groaned and thankfully rolled off of me, clutching his crotch in agony.

I fixed my dress and ran downstairs, desperate to find Garrett. I needed to get as far away from Dylan as possible. I needed to go home.

I just reached the bottom step when something hard collided with me. I almost fell to the ground but strong arms grabbed my waist and kept me upright.

I looked up through my blurry, tear filled eyes at the person who saved me.

Imagine my surprise when I realized I was looking into Damon's worried eyes.

"Are you okay Sophia?" He asked, concern softening his voice.

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