Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"Did I move at all last night?" I asked George in mid crack of my neck. I paused to reevaluate my question, it didn't sound quite right and we all started to laugh again. 

"No, you were like a statue all night. I didn't even feel you budge," he answered mid yawn.

"Huh, that's why I'm so stiff, well let's start training." I stood up, stretched one more time, grabbed my clothes then hurried to the shower.

      The falling water seemed to loosen the tense muscles in my neck and back. When I was finished I wrapped my body in a towel then transferred to a robe, then used my towel to wrap my wet drippy hair up. When I looked into the bathroom, I noticed something different than before, I took my somewhat dry hand and wiped the mirror and saw my father standing in the background, I gasped and turned but there was no one there. 

"Dad?" I asked the reflection, he smiled faintly and nodded. "What are y - what are you doing?" I asked the reflection. 

"I haven't gotten much time but I need you to listen to me. It's your - " 

"What makes you think that I'd believe anything you'd say?" I demanded angrily. My father raised his hands to hush. 

"I know you have no reason to believe me but just hear me out, Voldemort is coming tomorrow with his army and - " 

"Sorry Dad, but we already figured that out, we're going to be ready for Voldemort and everything he's got." 

"That's good, I'm really proud of you but what I want to say is please Raven, stay out of this battle, stay safe for George - for me," he begged. I scoffed at him and as I was about to respond George opened the door, looked at in the mirror and saw my father disappear. He stared at the mirror then back to me then to the mirror and finally to me. 

"Was your father just inside the mirror?" he asked. 

"Yes and I can explain why, it isn't what it looked like," I rambled quickly before he could accuse me of anything. 

"And what did it look like?" he questioned, a little baffled by the whole situation. 

"It looked like I was giving my father information about the Order and I am telling you right now that if you trust me then you'd know that I would never do that to you or the Order, I mean I can see why you'd think that, because I'm his daughter and I'm most likely going to stay loyal to him because he's my own living relative but that is not true George," I explained as quickly as possible. 

"Holy cow Raven calm down, I never thought for one moment that you were giving information to him but what did he want anyway?" he asked. 

"He was telling me that we were right about the attack, and he begged me to stay at the Burrow where I would be safe." 

"Wait if he knows you're at the Burrow, why doesn't he try to get you back again?" George asked curiously. 

"Maybe because Voldemort doesn't want to waste his men on one girl that has no use," I answered. 

"Or because your father isn't really bad and he just misses his daughter," he suggested.  I scoffed at him accompanied with an eye roll.

"Yeah I'm sure that's it," I chortled dryly.

"It was just a thought, but you need to  hurry up because we're getting ready to start." 

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute, George," I told him. I jogged to my room, quickly put on some clothes that had some tears in them but I was in a hurry. I raced down the stairs with wand in hand and met everyone outside except for Tonks.  

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