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(AN) I lied. Last surprise update, because I love you!

(Lola's Pov)

I let out a breath of relief when we reached his familiar all-black Mercedes. He glanced around, before he ushered for me to sit inside. I did, hiding back a grin as I strapped the seatbelt over my shoulder and clinked it into place. 

I watched as Luca sat inside his car, closing his door, before turning to face me. I let the smile overtake my lips, when we met eye to eye. I could tell he felt it, too. That he secretly liked it, too.

Sneaking around brought a thrill of power to us both. I felt invincible when I was with him, what everyone else thought wasn't important or relevant for any matter. It was just him and I against the world.

We could face anything.

"That was smooth," The corner of his lips twitched upwards. I let out a small giggle, nodding my head along with him.

"I can't believe no-one saw us. But thank God they didn't." I breathed, sorting out my curly brown hair that messed up slightly from us running. It was in a french braid, the choker Luca had gifted me, around my neck. And dark blue silky dress, with a v-neck design, on my torso. Black ballet flats covered my feet.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." He whispered, causing heat to rush to my face. He was looking much more than beautiful. His torso was covered with a dark purple dress shirt, paired with dark grey slacks, his hair styled back, and his feet covered with his infamous black polished shoes.

"Thank you. You always look handsome." I truthfully told him, surprised that I sounded so confident. His eyes twinkled, and he offered me a toothy grin. I gratefully took it, returning a familiar one.

"Thank you, baby." He winked, causing me to let out a small giggle, as well as blushing darkly.

He turned to face the front of his vehicle, starting his car. My eyes grazed over his hands, unable to help myself when a sinful thought crept into my mind. I shook it off, biting down on my bottom lip as I made sure my stud earrings were in tightly. I couldn't afford to loose them, they were my only pair.

"Where are we going?" I asked him the second he began to drive. It was around five pm on a Saturday afternoon. Melissa was gone to visit Rebecca, and Papa was out at work. When Luca phoned he was coming to take me out, I didn't hesitate to take up the offer.

I had nothing else to do. I had visited my mother, who held a loving conversation with me and I could noticeably see how sick she was. It was painful to witness. I had completed all of my homework and I even cleaned up my messy paint supplies. Being with Luca was a perfect timing.

"You'll see, sweetheart." He shot me a soft smile that made my heart melt. 


The car stopped shortly. We had been driving for around ten to fifteen minutes, and during that time, Luca and I played a question game. He asked me small things, learning about me. And I did the same, falling more in-love with him.

He was such a easy person to connect with.

I glanced outside the window, seeing a field with a small shack-like house. I turned to face Luca who was smiling at me, a never-ending twinkle dancing in his eyes.

"I thought we could try horse-riding, since I'm already such a pro at it." He cockily said, smirking. I playfully rolled my eyes, grinning a little myself. I had never been horse riding, so I didn't know what to expect. It was something new and strangely, I found myself wanting to try it out.

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