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(Lola's Pov)

I bit down on the corner of my bottom lip as I entered the house. The sound of my Papa's car driving off, passed through my ears. A low sigh left my lips as I kicked off my shoes, leaving them by the door. With my head slightly bowed, I lazily trudged up the stairs, my backpack falling from my shoulder and down to my wrist.

Today had been a long, tiring day. School had always been something I didn't like attending at times. But today had been another story. Throughout lessons; I would find myself zoning off, tuning off my brain and turning on my hearts mind. 

Luca Blue - the one male that constantly continued to take over my thoughts. All I could think about was him and the way he made me feel. I wasn't thinking of him in a brotherly way that I should be doing. No. Instead I was thinking about him in a sinful manner.

I thought about how good his luscious lips would feel pressed against mine, how pleasuring it would feel to have his hands against my body - touching me in ways nobody had ever done before. My thoughts were lust-filled, a desire of want building up inside of me.

I wanted him.

Yet, sadly, that would never happen.

He was going to marry my sister; Melissa. I needed to stop thinking about him in such a manner. And God, I was most certainly sure it was only a one-sided thing. I bet Luca thought of me as this little innocent teenage girl - like a sister.

Oddly enough, the thought of him thinking about me like that caused my throat to churn as well as my stomach to. I was probably right - but I could also be wrong. He had touched ways my body longed for. As well as the way he would look and speak to me.

But that didn't mean him.

A low breath left my lips, annoyance and frustration beginning to grow inside of me. I needed to put these thoughts to a stop once and for all. I just had to stop thinking about Luca this way. 

Reaching my door, I paused outside it and didn't hesitate to turn the door open. The sound of my sister playing a classic Italian song, entered my ears. Following with the sound of her off pitched voice, making me want to scrunch my face up.

Instead, I ignored her voice and stepped inside of my room, carelessly letting my bag drop to the ground. My eyes darted down to it, where it now lay on my white carpet floor. However, I snapped my head upwards when I sensed another presence.

My heart dropped as I gulped, suddenly growing nervous and anxious. My eyes grew wide as I glanced around my room, but never saw a trace of him anywhere. I swallowed, chewing down on the inside of my bottom lip.

I was just overthinking.

Inwardly rolling my eyes, I pulled off my cardigan. As I undid my tie, I let my eyes find interest on the ground beneath me. My hair curtained my face, as I let my fingers swiftly unbutton the first few buttons of my shirt.

However, it was exactly then, I heard the sound of my door closing, quietly. I froze for a second, feeling a pair of piercing eyes burn against me. My hands shook as I slowly lifted my head up, swallowing the gulp resting in my throat.

"Lola," His raspy voice called. Heat rose to my face, as I refrained myself from turning my body so it faced the door where he stood. My hands trembled slightly, hearing the flood boards creak lightly as he neared towards me. I made no attempt to move.

I felt his presence close behind me, and suddenly felt warm breath brush against the back of my neck. My eyes went wide as I slowly felt him wrap an arm around my waist, before he tugged me back, his front meeting with my back.

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