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(Lola's Pov)

The universe works in mysterious ways. So does fate. My situation with Luca - it was like the world wanted us together. Strangely, there would be ways I would get to see him everyday. Sometimes he sneaked into my room, where we'd talk quietly and caress, kiss, hold one another.

But days he couldn't sneak in, because of work - I'd still somehow get to see him. Well, I was guaranteed on weekdays. That was because Papa had given Luca the firm order of picking me up from school - everyday.

Business was doing well for him at the moment, making him more busy than before. Papa couldn't pick me up because of this, therefore, Papa instructed trusty, Luca to pick me up everyday. It worked - simply innocent in his eyes. Luca would have breaks during the time school was over for me; so it only made sense for Luca to pick me up.

Little did he, or anyone, know that would pull Luca and I closer together.

And because Luca and I were growing closer and closer - those warnings of disobeying rules no longer existed to me when I was around him. Disloyalty to my sister; it was pushed to the back of my mind.

Luca made me forget things.

As well as make me feel things.

I smiled lightly to myself, toying my feet into the ground beneath me. There was a warm breeze floating in the air, occasionally striding forward to hit me in the face. However, it only made me feel warm.

Summer was on its way.

It was early April. Just another month until it was officially summer.

I couldn't wait.

The familiar sound of a car beeping, brought me out of my thoughts. I sheepishly looked up from the ground, trying not to show my excitement as I felt a few fellow students eyes on me. Clearing my throat, I watched Luca step out of his all-black Mercedes. The model number...I wasn't sure of.

I wasn't an expert when it came to cars.

Trying not to make it look too explicit that I was happy about his arrival, I held back from smiling when glancing at him. He stood outside his car door. As always, he was dressed sharp and smart. Never failing to look handsome.

My heart thumped a little faster as I slowly took steps over to him, my eyes trailing over his figure. A satin, dark red dress shirt, tightly fit his torso. Paired along with his infamous black dress pants. Paired with shiny polished smart shoes. My eyes trailed back up to his face, noticing blonde locks of hair, pushed back over his head.

He was beautiful - handsome.

The smile I was trying to hide, managed to take over my lips. I stood a step away from him, slyly smiling up at him.

"Hi," I whispered, sounding breathless, as if I had been running a marathon. In reality, I was just ogling how good he looked.

"Hello, sweetheart." His deliciously raspy voice replied, the corner of his lips slyly twitching upwards. My heart fluttered. I bit down on my bottom lip, hiding the large smile awaiting to spread.

He glanced behind my shoulder, before motioning to follow him.

"Come on."

I mimicked his footsteps, as he walked over to the other side of the car, opening the door for me. I quietly thanked him, purposely brushing my behind against his front as I slipped inside. Hearing him inhale sharply, made me inwardly smirk.

I was never like this before. Before I met Luca, I was quiet, none daring, not confident. But ever since he entered my life - I had changed. A change I liked.

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