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(Lola's Pov)

My hands delicately buttoned up my white school shirt, eyes wondering over the reflection of myself across from me, yet my mind was elsewhere. The memory of letting my own hands explore my body in such a way, played in my mind. 

Never had I let such temptation, something I had never felt before, get the better of me

A blush crept onto my cheeks, as I remembered the way I let my hands slip into my panties and slowly began to rub myself. Another hand left my side and crept its way under my shirt, softly, gently massaging my breast as the ache in my hardened nipples grew.

All whilst I thought about Luca.

I exhaled deeply, pushing my wrong thoughts to aside. I slipped the tie around my neck, tying it on, something I was used to doing daily. 

Touching myself was wrong. Thinking about Luca was wrong. But touching myself whilst I thought about Luca - that was terrible. It was sin. A sin to be lusting after my sister's future husband. 

Closing my eyes, I tried to shake off all of these thoughts. Finished tying my tie, I pulled on my cardigan, not bothering to button it up as I tucked the hem of my shirt into my skirt. 

Explicitly, I knew both touching myself and thinking about Luca - was wrong. However, I couldn't deny incredible it all felt. Never in my entire life had I explored my body in such a way, all whilst thinking about someone. And it was truly a sensational feeling. 

It was as if continuous jolts of pleasure were bursting inside of me, the faster I rubbed my clit and rocked my hips. As I grew closer to my awaited climax, I felt like I was floating. Like on cloud nine. It was truly incredible.

It was wrong, but it felt all too right.

Shaking off my thoughts, I pulled my backpack over my shoulder. Only two books were in there today, inwardly making me thankful that my teachers took in our books to mark. I closed the door behind me, heading towards the stairs. However, I paused on spot when hearing a rattle of moans and squeals coming from Melissa's room.

"Jesus, I don't know what one to wear, Becca." I heard my sister's voice, as she talked on what I presumed to be the house phone. Unless Rebecca had popped over for a visit, which I doubt she would be doing frequently, since she had recently given birth. Also the fact, it was only 8:30 in the morning.

"No, she's busy getting ready for school. God, I just wish this stupid landline phone had a camera or something, so I could send a picture!" She complained, on the verge of whining. My brows furrowed as a confused frown grew onto my lips.

Where was she going?

"No, I don't know what an iPhone is...okay that's nice you have one," She suddenly snapped, making me raise my brows in surprise. However, all I could think about was where she was going. The only time Papa allowed us outside, much like other girls in my town, was if it was for shopping. 

If it were anything like a walk, you wouldn't be allowed. That was simply because during those 'walks' you could be disobeying, breaking rules you were told never to do. An example of this would be, meeting up with a...boy. It wouldn't end well for the both of you. Especially if you were a girl.

"No, you know Papa will say no. There's not point asking...okay, whatever, please help me! What should I -"

"Bambina! You're going to be late and won't be able to have breakfast if you don't come downstairs now!" I heard the familiar voice belonging to my father yell. I snapped out of my little fright from hearing him suddenly raise his voice.

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