Awkward Moments and Whispered Truths

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           Sorry that it's been so long and this chapter is a bit short. I wrote it to get me back up to speed where the story is. Now as promised I will be updating again soon but I have to thank you all for your patience! I hope you like. Don't forget to comment and vote

~Owen's POV~

          I sit on the couch and watch out brothers and Miss Sorenson as they bustle about getting ready for the day working to keep my face impassive. It would seem that having the girl you adore confess to you in such a romantic manner makes young men of my age quite giddy. I would be a fool to deny that I have had to work very hard to maintain my composure. Every time I hear her name or see her I imagine stalking over to her and pulling her into my arms for a deep kiss. I restrain a sigh as the thought assails me once again, we have a plan, I must set the example and stick to it.

          The Misters Taylor are currently engaged in the typical arguement over what we should have for our morning meal as our girl attempts to placate them both. Our girl...that sounds lovely.

          Taking the moment to survey the well being of my family I notice that Mr. Lee has yet to join us. Strange, he is normally the one down here first and corralling the troops each weekend.

"May someone inform me as to why Mr. Lee has yet to join us this morning?" I ask curtly.

"He said he's gotta take a shower Mr. B," Mr. Taylor St. informs me and I detect a tone of humor to his voice.

"Very well. I will go and see that he makes haste." I tell them as I stand and make my way up into his room.

            Making my way into the room and heading to the bathroom I am greeted by the sound of the running shower. What shocks me is the sudden grunting that has accompanied it. Is he...? No. surely he is aware of the time constraint we are in this morning.

"Sang," I hear him moan.

          I feel the heat rising to my cheeks at the confirmation of what he is doing at that very moment. While I can understand his sentiments we really do not have time for this. But what do I do? Should I leave him to finish? Or should knock and remind him that we are in a bit of a hurry? Now Mr. Taylor Senior's smirk makes sense.

          Something must have happened to make Mr. Lee react as such, I decide to be sure to get the full story later as I knock on the door loud enough to be sure he hears it.

"Shit!" He mutters behind the door.

"Mr. Lee are you well? We are going to be late for our appointment." I tell him trying not to let on that I heard his chanting of her name behind closed doors.

          Moments later he is opening the door a blush on his cheeks as. He comes out with a towel around his waist. I turn my back to head to the door of his bedroom to give him some privacy to get dressed seeing as his clothes for the day are laid out on the bed.

"s-Sorry Mr. Blackbourne. I hadn't meant to make us late." He apologizes struggling with his words.

           Once he is dressed he grabs his keys, wallet, and cell phone coming to join me at the door. Feeling awkward with the entire situation I resist the urge to shift on the balls of my feet and merely nod at him not trusting my voice. Walking out in front I make my way down to the livingroom with him following me. The silence is palpable as we descend the stairs. Once at the base of the stairs I feel a hand on my arm and see him looking at me the blush still prominent on his face.

"Please don't tell anyone," he mutters under his breath in a quiet plea.

"Do not fret Mr. Lee. No one need know about our awkward morning." I tell him before whispering, "Lord knows she causes me the same reaction most days." I turn to enter the livingroom once more.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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