Thank You Princess

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A/n: okay here goes nothing! Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote. All input is appreciated! :3

~~~~~~~~~~Sean's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I'm still on cloud nine and giddy as a toddler when I receive a text from my Pookie.

Pookie: Dr. Sean I need your help with something if you don't mind.

Me: anything Pookie what's the matter?

Pookie: I need to talk to Victor alone can you help me? Pretty please?

Me: No problem Pookie

          What is that cutey pie up to now. Such a mischievous streak she's on today I love it. I quickly send a text to Victor telling him to stay in the classroom. Then I text the rest of the class to tell them there has been a change of plans and we will be meeting in the courtyard. Thank goodness I thought to get all their numbers on the first day. Goodness the things a Doctor will do for the girl he loves.

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          I'm so thankful that Dr. Sean managed to come up with a plan to help me get my Prince alone. I'll have to find a way to repay him soon. Silas and I are walking in the halls with his arms over my shoulders as usual. When we get to the door I spot Victor and it's even more evident that something is wrong, his eyes are down to a low simmer and he looks worried.
          I quickly turn to Silas and tell him my goodbyes. At first he insists to walk me to the door but after reassuring him that I can see Victor from here her lets me go. My prince being his usual gentlemanly self straightens when I'm close and reaches to open the door for me. Walking into the room I notice that we are alone. Good.
          The late bell rings and we are still alone so I walk up to the desk and sit on it so I can watch Victor. I can practically see the wheels turning in his head.

"My Prince what's wrong?" I ask.
"What? Nothing is wrong Princess." I can tell he wasn't expecting that question.
"Victor I can see it in your eyes. Something is wrong. I want to help." I say as I stand and slowly make my way to the desk where he sits.
"Well...I received a text message from Dr. Green saying to stay here no matter what. I'm worried that's all."
"Oh! There nothing to worry about there. I asked him to help me get alone with you so we can talk," I title at Dr. Sean's antics, " I never meant for him to worry you though I'm sorry. But there's more you're not telling me."
"I'm not sure I know what you mean Princess." He says.

These stubborn, stubborn boys when will they learn that just like I can't lie to them they can't hide anything from me?

"At lunch time after I spoke with Silas we came back to the bench. I looked at everyone Victor and I saw you. You were silent and thinking. You looked almost sad my prince and I want to know why." I say as I move to sit in his lap and hold his cheeks tenderly in my hands.
"I wasn't sad per se." He sighs, "I just had a lot of things running through my head. I'm not sure what you said to him in Greek but from his reaction and the gift I felt a little confused. I thought... Well I though he was only your fake Boyfriend here at school but that looked like real emotions. I... I got...I got scared." He practically whispers the last part.

          Scared? My prince was scared? But why would he be...oh goodness was he frightened he would lose me? How could he ever think that? I need to fix this now.

"Victor Morgan look in my eyes," I wait until he does, "Victor this morning I was called into Mr. Hendricks office. He gave me a ring to give to Silas. The ring I gave him at lunch. He has a recording device inside. He threatened me that I had to make it public so he would know I followed through. I warned Silas. But I also read him a poem I had already written for him along with the chocolate I made. My Prince you need to know that you could NEVER ever lose me. I will be by your side until the day you tell me otherwise. I...I love you Victor. It's not exactly how I planned but I need you to know I love you more then anything and if you could make me the happiest girl in the world and accept this gift from me.
          I turn slightly in his arms to reach into my bag and grab his present. When I face him once again his eyes have come to life again. The inferno in his eyes burning itself into my heart. I feel the tears rise to my eyes as I bow my head and present him the gift. It's one of the largest ones that I made.
          My ever gentle prince takes the silver paper box from my hand and opens it. His jaw drops instantly. Is that a good or a bad thing? I am beginning to panic when he finally speaks.

"Oh goodness Princess it's beautiful," he breathes.

          Taking it out of the box the light from the window displays the chocolate beautifully. For my elegant and talented prince I made a white chocolate baby grand piano. I painted the details and added silver trimmings that's swirl around the lid. It took a lot of work and I'm ecstatic that he seems to like it so much.
          He places it down tenderly on the desk next to us then turns to look at me. He grabs my face and stares into my eyes. I can practically feel the heat rolling from his eyes.

"Oh Princess I love it. It's perfect just like you. But you need to know that I would NEVER ask you to leave I want you by my side always. " he pulls me close into a big hug.

          The bell rings and he sighs slowly pulling back and releasing me from his lap. He reluctantly holds the door for me and I skip off to class once again on cloud nine. Before he leaves me to enter gym he leans down and whispers in my ear before turning to walk away. And what does he whisper huskily?

"Thank You Princess."

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