And So It Begins

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A/n:  Soooooorrrrrryyyyyyyyy...hope it's good enough to make up for the wait! X3

~~~~~~~~~~Gabriel's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

Fucking shit Kota has some timing! Holy crap that was amazing! Perfect! Wonderful! I could easily tell what kind of time and effort it took to make that chocolate so personalized, and the song? Could not have been any better.
She confessed to me! My Trouble is really truly mine! Yes I won't let her go for anything and I'm DEFINITELY going to need more of those fucking amazing kisses. I'm just glad I was able to restrain myself so much. I really want to do things right so I don't lose her, she deserves better, a Victor...
          All these thoughts keep bursting through my head as I quickly grab her some clothes and pack her overnight bag.
I'm so fucking inspired! I need to get home and draw, paint, maybe I'll even write a song. But shit I can't I have to go to this fucked up family meeting...this shit better be important.

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          I giggle silently to myself when I see Meanie's head pop in just before a bundle of clothes is thrown at me. I just barely manage to catch it all. Hearing Kota call for us once again I quickly dress and meet the boys at the staircase where Meanie is holding my overnight bag.

"What in the world took you guys so long? We now have exactly 1 minute at 27 seconds to get 10 to my house so we can make it to the meeting on time. " of course he counted down to the second, I giggle.
"Fuck you man perfection takes time!"
"Let's just go okay guys?" I say before Kota has the chance to reply, I don't want him to give Gabe hours or argue.

We are rushed straight out of the house and over to Kota's house. Reaching the door step we stand behind him as he unlocks the door. When it opens we are greeting by Max who comes to each of us sniffing deeply. Entering the house we are removing our shoes when a voice comes from the kitchen.

"Kota is that you?" Erica calls to us.
"Yeah mom it's us." Kota replies.

          Within seconds Erica comes and greets me with a ginormous hug before ushering me into the kitchen without so much as a look or word to her son. Apparently I'm not the only one to notice this.

"Oh! Happy Valentine's Day Gabriel!" She calls behind her.
"Happy Vday Mrs. Lee!" Gabriel chuckles through his reply.
"Geez thanks mom my day was great. How about yours? Good? Well I'll leave you two to your girl time. " he mumbles sarcastically.
"Humph! No son of mine leaves his girlfriend alone on Valentine's Day. You just run along to your little appointment Gabriel and be safe."Erica retorts before closing the kitchen door behind us. Uh oohhhh...

          I can just barely make out 52 mumbling something through the door. It sounds like he said it's not his choice and something about stupid family meetings. This makes me giggle because I know the truth.

~~~~~~Mr. Blackbourne's POV:~~~~~~

Sean and I pull into the driveway of Mr. Griffins residence exactly forty-five seconds before the designated meeting time. We are already greeted by the sight of Mr Taylor Jr's Jeep and Mr. Morgan's Silver BMW. younger brothers must be as eager as I am to get this over with. I'll admit, where it not for the promise I made Miss Sorenson, I would have left them to their own devices and conceived a plan to have her to myself this evening.
Wasting no time, Sean and I walk to the entrance and let ourselves in. It takes a moment to determine that our younger brothers are gathered in the living room. The only tell of their location being the soft sounds of music wafting through the walls, to which I could only hear the melody and not the lyrics. We head that way, both anxious and ready to get this over with.
I am first to enter the room and I freeze mid step in the doorway, shocked by the sight before me. It's so out of the norm that I am barely able to hold in a laugh. not a single one of them has thought to sit on the furniture. The coffee table has been pushed to the side and they are all gathered on the floor in a circle. In the middle of their gathering lies a twelve-pack of "Not Your Father's RootBeer" already opened.
They have paused with their hands outstretched to grab a hold of a bottle each. Yet the presence of Alcohol is not what shocks me most. What has me fighting a laugh is the sight of Mr. North Taylor holding a spoon halfway to his lips. A spoon holding dark chocolate flavored ice cream with almonds! Somehow he had managed to smear the goodness all over his face.
          I'm finally able to discern the sound of Sam Smith's: Stay With Me playing in the background. I feel a slight push on my back and I realize that Sean is now privy to the same view as me.

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