Accidental Love

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A/n: ok I'll admit it. I had a hard time writing this one. I hope I got it right and that it's not too long winded x3.

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV~~~~~~~~~~

          While we all sit and eat our lunches I can't help but feel like I'm watching a ping pong match between North and Silas. They have been having some sort of silent conversation over my head since we sat down. It's driving me crazy because I can't figure it out. But then again it's probably because now they know that I know a moderate amount of Greek. Grrrrr.... My sneaky boys.
          Trying to distract myself from them I glance over to Victor who still seems lost in his own thoughts. I can't take it anymore! I need to know what's wrong with my Prince ASAP. So I stand and begin to make my way over to where he sits on the other bench when suddenly someone or something crashes into my side pushing me into the bench roughly.
          Their are gasps and shouts from my boys when I'm suddenly picked up, cradled in someone's arms. I almost panic when I smell an ocean breeze, Silas my Superman always saving me. But what just happened? It becomes harder to think as the pain in my side grows and soon I black out. My last vision being the boys surrounding some poor boy and yelling at him.

~~~~~~~~~~Silas's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

We all settle down to eat when North catches my eye above Aggelle's head. He begins to show me through his eyes just how he feels about the poem Sang recited for me. I try to show him that this changes nothing between us, to reassure him when I see something that shocks me, he's truly okay with it. He seems I wonder what happened?
I'm thrown out of my musings when I see Aggelle Mou practically get bowled over by some geeky looking kid. Causing her to fall forward onto the ground by Victors feet. I immediately look around the courtyard and sunrise surprise I see Jade smiling and giggling to her friends. That little skÿla!
           I run over to my Aggelle and sweep her into my arms immediately noticing how she keeps clutching her side. I turn ignoring my brothers screams rushing her to see Doc. Please be okay Aggelle Mou...

~~~~~~~~~~Sean's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as the bell rings for lunch I run (okay no I just walk fast) to the office I share with Owen. I'm dying to know just exactly what happened during his class with Pookie. After all the things he asked me in our little meeting I think I've got her figured out...but I NEED to know. I practically throw myself into the small room and push the door shut behind me. I wince when I hear it slam. Oops that was harder then I intended.

"Dr. Green do you care to explain why it is you feel the need to slam our office door?" He said with a slightly raised eyebrow.
"Because I couldn't be bothered with things like a door right now Owen!" I exclaim rushing to his desk and leaning over it so my face is close to his, blocking his view of his computer screen.
"May remove your head from my line of view? I am busy at the moment. " he says it calmly but I know he's getting impatient.

          I move back from him not because I'm giving up but because I know Owen and I know his temper and where his boundaries are. He is my best friend after all. I'm about to begin my line of questioning when I hear the door slam open. Owen jumps from his seat and I spin around to see Silas holding an unconscious Pookie in his hands. Oh no! Keep it together Sean! Damn it keep it together!

"Put her on my desk!" I command him.
"What happened?" I hear Owen snap.
"We were at lunch. Sang got run into by some kid and she fell. I scanned the area and I saw that bitch Jade laughing and whispering to her friends. I bet this was her idea!" He yells.

          Owen and I both share a glance. Something needs to be done about Jade she is escalating. I will say I've never seen Silas so livid. But I can't worry about that right now Pookie needs me.

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