The Start

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A/N: so so sorry it's taken forever for me to update. It's the week of my birthday so I've been distracted. But here it is as promised! Feel free to comment criticism is welcome too !


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Blackbourne's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I could clearly see the worry in her eyes as she awaits my response. I can see that this is a delicate moment where she is putting her faith in me. I can either further her trust in us, in me. Or I can completely crush it. Does she honestly believe that I could reject her? Perhaps I should allow myself more leeway with her. Maybe then she would be more comfortable with...


"Never enough time!" I mumble under my breath. "To quickly answer you before your escort arrives, yes Miss Sorenson. Would tomorrow during your usual lesson time suffice?" I do my best to remain calm and collected even though I am anything but.

"Yes!" She squats adorably as she turns and skips from the room.

I have to keep my focus on North and the chaos in the halls behind him to keep myself from watching her gorgeous legs. As soon as she clears the door I slip into the piano bench and pulol out my phone. It has been vibrating non-stop from the boys as well as Sean. I answer as Sean first simply because I know he can educate me on what this all will mean to me and the rest of our family.

The the texts read:

Mr. Blackbourne: Dr. Green you and I must speak privately tonight. It is of the utmost importance and pertains to the family meeting tomorrow night.

Sean: What? No prob Owen. Is everything okay? How did it go with Pookie? What did she say?

Mr. Blackbourne: She is perfectly fine. Everything is fine But that may change after our talk tonight.

Sean: Okay???? Won't lie Owen I'm alil freaked.

Mr. Blackbourne: Tonight...join the club.

To the boys I clearly state that a family meeting is called tomorrow night at Mr. Griffin's.

Kota: I have to watch Jess at 7. Anytime before and I will be there.

North: Luke and I are free after 5.

Luke: Am I the only one who remember?? It's VALENTINES DAY tomorrow???? What gives?

Silas: Yeah. I was planning on surprising Aggele mou.

Gabriel: Oh! What the fuck Silas?! I was going to surprise Trouble! Back the fuck off you big oaf! XP

If it was not for the fact that we were all finally on the same page with sharing her, I would be worried. As it is, I am aware that they are just being their juvenile selves.

Mr. Blackbourne: Mr. Coleman language please.

Nathan: As long as I can give her the gift j got her I'm good. I'll have pizza waiting.

Luke: Chocolate! Lots of it Nate! It's V-Day! Time to load up on the sweet stuff.

North: Your little groupies will give you MORE then enough! No more!

Victor: It's 5:30 okay? I have rehearsal ...

Others: Good.

Luke: Party pooper...

Mr. Blackbourne: Miss Sorenson has requested this meeting be called. She has informed me to how she wishes to celebrate tomorrow. Be at Mr. Griffins at 5:30 pm sharp. Now pay attention to your classes.

Effectively putting an end to the chat, I select Miss Sorenson's app to inform her of the details.

Mr. Blackbourne: Miss Sorenson, the meeting shall be at Mr. Griffins at 5:30pm. Do you wish to be present?

Sang: No thank you. But...I do have one last request.

Mr. Blackbourne: Anything.

Sang: May you keep the boys busy tonight?? I...I have to prep to do and the will hover and...

Prep? Prep for what's? What is going on in that lovely head of hers?

Mr. Blackbourne: Consider it done. But precautionary measures will be taken for your safety.

Sang: Thank you

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