It's morning!

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~~~~~~~~~Kota's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

I'm wide awake before my alarm goes off I couldn't sleep in anticipation. I lay there on my back and turn my head to glance at the clock that reads 4 am. Great, two hours to sit and get nervous and think about what in the world my perfect 10 is up to. She has never asked for me to pick her up alone, Nate was always with us. Honestly I'm even nervous about telling him that I'll be taking her to school alone. I know he loves her and has agreed to our plan to keep her but I also know that he has been struggling with it.


This is going to be a long day now that I think of it. Mr. Blackbourne, Doc and I are going to have to be up on our game today. Deciding that I should get u and get ready for the day I slide ever so slowly out of the bed. I need to be careful because Nathan is a light sleeper and he still needs to rest after last night. I go to my bathroom to shower and get dressed glad that I had the forethought to hang our uniforms in there last night.

I finish my shower in five minutes exactly. Knowing that I still have an hour and forty-five minutes left until my alarm goes off and I have to deal with Nate, I decide to sit and continue reading this weeks assigned book for our English class.

An hour passes and suddenly I am feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket with a text message. Who on earth could it be so early in the morning? Pulling out my cell I glance down to see that there is actually two texts, one from Mr. Blackbourne and one from North.

Mr. Blackbourne: Mr. Lee be informed that no gifts are to be presented to Sang until after our family meeting. Be sure to reign the team in or this will be a hard day.

Tell me something I don't know. Wait! No presents for Sang! What in the world is be thinking? We all agreed that we would each only get her 1 gift to avoid envy! I glance over to the drawer where I had my gift for her hidden from prying eyes, aka Luke and Gabriel. Why can't I give it to her? I was so excited to see her reactions. I take a deep breathe reminding myself that Mr. Blackbourne never does anything without a reason.

North: idk what the fuck is going on and I don't like it but you better take care of Sang Baby. Have Nate up and ready by 5:30 we will stop and get breakfast...

I wonder what exactly my perfect 10 told him yesterday, but just from the text I can tell that if she so much as has a hair out of place North is going to have my head on a platter. Glancing at the time once again I see that it is now 5:15 am. I should wake Nate up now. If I don't have him ready in time I shudder to think what North will do.

"Nate. It's morning." I say with a calmness that I don't feel there is no need to yell I know he hears me.

"Ugh no....5 min damn it..." He grumbles under his breathe rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head.

"Nate, North will be here in 15 minutes to pick you up."

That's all I need to say before he shoots up straight out of bed and runs as silently as he can to the bathroom to get ready without waking my mom and Jess up. All of the guys know that North is NOT a morning person so if he is up this early and coming to pick you up you better be ready bright eyed and bushy tailed. It's partially why we try to avoid calling him in for Academy jobs early in the morning.

He is ready in record time and is straightening the pull out bed when he turns to me with a huge grin on his face.

"Happy Valentines Day morning brother." He says and I can just feel the excitement rolling from him. Too bad I have to crush that right now, I hate hurting my brother.

"Happy Valentine's Day brother. Listen I got a text from Mr.B this morning, he said no one is to give Sang their gifts before the family meeting tonight. And North is picking up you Gabe and Luke, I have been asked to pick Sang up alone this morning." I try to make it sound as business as usual as possible so as not to rile him up. No way was I going to tell him that 10 was the one who wanted alone time with me.

"What? No gifts! Man he is ruining her first Valentine's Day! First he makes it so none of us can take her out tonight with this stupid family meeting and now we can't even give her our gifts. Kota I was going to give her THAT. And why do you get to spend the morning alone with her?"

Shit if I had known what he was going to give her I would have told Mr. B that this no gifts thing isn't going to work without major issues.

"I honestly don't know why I have to take her alone," not a lie, " and I'm upset about everything too trust me. I had my gift prepped too but you know as well as I do that he never does anything unless he has a good reason to."

This seems to placate him a bit. He finishes fixing the pullout bed and pulls out his phone to quickly glance at it. North must have told him that he was outside because he turns, grabs his bag and heads to the front door.  I follow him to the door and watch to make sure he gets to the car without interference from his father. He jumps into the backseat of the Jeep with Luke.

              I'm waving Hoyas the pull out of the drive way when Gabriel rolls down the window to holler.

"Oy! I hope you remembered to take that shower Kota! Your gonna need it!" 

              Maybe....maybe I should go take another one before I go see my perfect 10.

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