Mr. Griffin

880 76 14

A/N: Oh my here goes another one! Sorry about the long wait for an update but after I got back for my birthday vacation I got swamped with hours at work. Hey I'm not complaining a girls gotta make a living. But enough of my ranting I hope you all enjoy! :3

Oh and sorry for some of the language in this chapter but Mr. Griffin is as he insane I didn't think that he would be the same if he didn't use colorful language so I hope this doesn't offend anyone but again I digress enjoy! :3

~~~~~~~~~~Nathan's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

Man I hate bodyguard duty! Do I love martial arts? Definitely but that's only because it can be used as a defense for myself and my brothers not that they need the help, but with parents like we have, every little bit helps. The job took me by surprise though. Tonight was supposed to be Kota, Peanut and me . But then again with the Academy I'm pretty used to plans changing quickly

I mean it was Valentine's Day tomorrow and I know for a FACT that none of us had planned to spend it in a family meeting. Mr. Blackbourne just doesn't do last minute, he hates it So I know this has to be something important. I can't get myself to complain because at the end of the day Family First. Question is, what is this all about?

I'm drawn out of my thoughts as I see a car I don't recognize pull into my driveway. Thankful for the cover of the woods, I crouch so I can watch whoever it is without being seen. It's a black Lexus ES350, maybe Viv got a new car? Not likely he lives that BMW of his. I feel a vibration in the chest pocket of my suit where I had placed my cell earlier. Pulling it out I quickly glance down to see that it's Kota asking for a check in. Man does that guy have some timing!

Just as I'm about to reply I see a figure emerge from the car. The man is wearing dark wash jeans and a black hoodie about 6 feet and average build the hood was up so with his back towards me I couldn't tell who it was. So when the guy turned and headed to the door letting the door lamp's glow hit his face I was shocked to see my father.

Fuck! What is he doing here? He was supposed to be at work over seas, Korea I think is where we had him sent this time. Quickly I let Kota know what's up When I get the text that he is on his way I decide I need to go in. If he discovers I'm not home this age at night he will toss the place and I can't having him find Sang's things

I walk in quietly behind him and watch to gauge just how drunk he is this time. He seems relatively aware for once so I turn in my tracks and make a whole scene of coming in like I just got in.

"Nathan get your ads in her!" He yells from the living room.

"Dad? What's up? Why are you home?" I answer as I walk into the room choosing my words carefully so I seem more shocked then pissed or scared shitless. Which I am but I'll never admit that to the guys.

I see him plop down onto the couch and I wince at just how uncoordinated he is with the alcohol in his system you would never guess that this is that man that used to be a star athlete. He gives me a once over look like he is puzzled I forgot I'm wearing what Gabe says is my best fitting suit, shit! Kota needs to hurry up, this is going to be bad.

"Boy where the fuck where you? Better have been on a fancy ass date wearing that shit! Better have gotten laid too for all that work! You look like a god damned fag."

"No it wasn't a date. I was at work."

No way in hell was I giving him any clue about Sang. He stands up wobbly and staggers up to me grabbing my shoulders roughly shaking me

"Fuck-kinda place make you dress like that two bit queer ass friend of yours? Ain't no son of mine gay! Griffins' love that p****!"

"I'm not gay and neither is Gabriel dad, I've told you that before. And by the way who's car is that in the driveway?" I try to change the subject so this doesn't escalate anymore.

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