The set up

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Just some filler for tomorrow's update enjoy! :3

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

Biology went by in a blur of lecture and the sneaky touches of a certain Greek I know. Silas took every opportunity he could to touch me or just let me know he was close. Even though I was so so happy and secure in his closeness, I still worried. My mind kept wandering back to lunch and the looks on all of the boys faces, especially one in particular.
          Victor, my prince. The fire in his eyes had dimmed after my moment with Silas and I'm worried that I hurt him. I'll have to find out what's going on. But first I'll need some help from a certain teacher I know.

~~~~~~~~~~Victor's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          I need to snap out of it. Ever since lunch my mind has been running a mile a minute. I can't seem to focus on any one thing. I'm beginning to tap out Winter by Vivaldi on my desk in attempt to focus when I am snapped out of my reverie by the buzzing of my cell. Glancing up to be sure my teacher is looking elsewhere I slip out my phone.

Dr. Green:   No matter what do NOT leave the classroom next period.

          That's strange, something must be happening. Maybe there's a threat I don't know about? What could possibly have him so riled up?
          The bell rings and I jump up and pack my bag as quickly as possible. Time to pick up Princess.

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