chapter 17

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Alec's POV

I was in a state of shock, after so many years, she comes waltzing in like those past years never happened? She really must be mistaken, anyways what is she doing here and what does she want, definitely not to see how I am.

I slowly turned my head upwards to her direction, I stood up straight and fixed her with a cold gaze, I wanted to yell, to reproach her to why she left, like my father and I didn't matter, but as I looked at her, I saw emotions and one of them, was one I saw every day when I was growing up, love. Something I have been denied from my father but have received unconditionally by Kimberly.

But I ignored everything and just placed a blank look on my face, she meant nothing to me the minute she left.

"Honey, h-how are you? You look just like your father, how is he?" she said and took a step forward but I just looked at her like I would any other person, as if I didn't know them.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Loftner stood in front of her quickly and by her stance she wasn't happy.

"Well I'm-I'm Alec's mother, it has been many years, but I couldn't stay away from him much longer, I've-" "You've nothing, nobody leaves their child, and no matter the reason it is justified," Mrs.Lofter said in a threatening tone.

"Listen you know nothing of my life and everything I needed to do, to find my son and hopefully I can get him back, even though I don't deserve him, and your right, there will never be a justified answer, but I was forced to, I didn't want to leave my boy and husband, but I had to, to prot-"

I finally found my voice, "look, it's been many years since you have left my life, and now you aren't needed, now I will ask nicely, why the hell are you even here?" my voice boomed out of me.

"I-I-", "You know what? Just leave and never show your face here again, leave like you have left so many years ago, its what your good at," I told her and turned to walk out.

"I know that I deserve all the hate from you, but you need to believe me, if it was for me, I would have stayed with you, and you father and your b-, I just couldn't, your grandfather, told me that if I didn't leave immediately he would kill your b-"

"I could careless, your excuse, do you know what happened to me after you fucking left, my father beat me, he did it every time he thought I lied to him, just like his loving wife, I wasn't able to go to school because of my bruises, I couldn't walk, I was in a living hell for many years, until I finally hit back and I thought I killed my father, now years later he calls me and I find out why my girl, is missing, surprisingly he didn't die and wants revenge. Do you know that after many years I have felt love again, like nothing I have ever felt at all, I would die for this girl, but I don't know where she is, and its driving me insane, I should have protected her, I should have been there with her and now you decide to show up, just leave will you and never come back, I don't need you, I did once a upon a time, but not now." It was something I wanted to say to her, I also wanted to tell her how much I missed her, her scent she gave of, the smell I was so used to and love being surrounded by, because I knew my mother was close and that she would always be with me, but that wasn't the case anymore. I was an adult now and I didn't need her, I did once but now I need Kimberly.

Everyone was stunned, even Kim's parents, they didn't know of our relationship, and the guys well they did but it wasn't something I discussed with them, and finally my mother was shell shocked, her tears were running down her face and without a word she went to hug me tight.

I didn't expect it from her I have wanted one for so long, despite me not wanting to show any emotion towards her, I hugged her tightly to me and broke down in my mother's arms, arms I have always felt love and security and even after so long that hasn't changed.

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