She kicked the wall, making me flinch before hugging me. I sobbed into her shoulder before standing up, wiping my face and calling the last person I'd want to tell this to right now... Bey.

Bey's POV
As I checked the mic in the practically empty venue my phone rang in my pocket. It was my baby, she hasn't called me since Thursday... it's Monday.

Phone call...
"Hi baby." I smiled.
"Beyoncé, hi." She said dryly. Something's wrong, I know it.
"What are you doing?" I asked, trying not to sound confused.
"I need to... tell you something. Go somewhere private and FaceTime me." She sighed, it sounded like she was holding back tears. I hung up and put the mic down.

I told everyone to take 20 and walked into my dressing room, locking the door before calling her back.
"Baby, your scaring me..." I said when she picked up the FaceTime call.
"Beyoncé, Chris..." she broke down crying and I saw Nicki rub her back.
"You've gotta tell her babe." Nick said, looking pissed but trying to play it cool.
"Babe, I was taking a jog in the park and Chris saw me. He asked if he could join so I said yeah. When we jogged back to his house he... raped me." She whispered the last part.

My world stopped, Chris? My best friend?
I trusted him, and he took advantage of her... knowing she's had an abusive past.
"Where is he?" I asked, my fists clenching.
"I- I don't know." She sobbed. I hated to see her cry, and she needed me. I never canceled a show in my life but this is Jaden we're talking about. She's gone through too much for me not to go.

"I'm going home. I'm gonna get the jet and meet you home. Nicki stay with her and her inhaler is in the medicine cabinet." I said, hanging up and running to the stage.
"I HAVE TO CANCEL! JADEN IS HURT I NEED TO SEE HER!" I yelled before having Julius take me to the car. When I finally made it to the jet I was so enraged, I was shaking my leg to a max.

When I finally landed it was 8:30 and my publicist was blowing up my phone. My driver drove way too slow and I finally pulled up to the house at 9:00.

"Baby!" I called when I opened the door. I heard footsteps before seeing a tired, emotionally drained Jaden try to run down the stairs. I met her halfway and picked her up, she was still weak and flinched when my arms supported her butt. She sobbed into my neck as I wrapped her legs around my torso and carried her upstairs.

"Shh, you're okay. I'm here now... no ones coming and if so, I'll protect you." I cooed before trying to lay her down on the bed. She held me tighter and screamed, meaning this asshole was carrying her.
"Baby, sh. I'm sorry." I said as I sat on the bed, her straddling my thighs. She pulled away so I could see her face and I gave her a soft peck for reassurance that I'm here to stay.

"Not only did he rape me but I cheated on you! And he cheated on Robyn! I'm such a horrible person, both of us cheated. I get that I've been unfaithful and you're most likely disappointed. Just know I love you and I'm soo sorry but I couldn't get him off me." She sobbed harder.
"You're not being unfaithful if you were forced, and I'd never leave you like this... so unhappy and unhealthy." I said, looking at all of her.

She was oddly slim, more than usual. And her eyes were dark underneath, meaning she hasn't gotten sleep. As she sat on my lap I looked around the room to see uneaten snacks and half full water bottles.
"Have you had dinner?" I asked, looking at her. She looked down and I followed her line of sight. She had a half eaten granola bar in her hand as she played with the wrapper.

"Bey, I-" GCO
"Sh, I'll make you something to eat while you sleep. You wanna go to the couch?" I asked, knowing she wanted me close. She nodded her head and gently kissed my lips. Hers were still soft and moist, but tasting of medicine.

Honey {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora