Old Friend, New Job

Start from the beginning


"You're hired." Mr. Lusch said.

"Wait... Wha?" Janna and I said confused.

"You're hired." He repeated.

Desperate much?

"But you just met me, wouldn't you want to have an interview?" I questioned.

"Nope. If I know Janna correctly from all the years of working here, she doesn't just pick random people to be her friend. There's always a reason. Also my gut says that you could do some good to this store."

"Okay. Well, when do I start?"

"Whenever you want. Actually, I need help later tonight because Fridays are the worst and are super crazy. And then afterwords we can talk about your work schedule." He said while helping a customer at the cash register.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll see you later. Call me if you need me to come any earlier or later!" I said as Janna and I walked out.

As soon as we got into the car we started laughing.

"He must really like you. Normally he's not that cool with newbies." Janna said driving us back home.

"Who can resist Star? Nobody can, that's right." I said poking my cheeks.

Janna laughed as we drove into her driveway.

"Alright, you have about half an hour to get ready for your new job. Now go!" She booted me out of the car and I went into our room to get ready.


I walked into Stop and Slurp headed over to Mr. Lusch's office. The door was open, but I still knocked lightly just so it doesn't seem rude to walk right in.

"Come in."  He said not looking up from the pile of papers that we on his desk.

"Hi, it's Star again. What do you need me to do?" I asked

Mr. Lusch walked over from his chair and led me to the cashier and showed me how to work the cashier, slurpie machines, ect.

"And if you need anything, I'll just be in my office." He patted me on the shoulder and left me with a line of customers.


After the wave of people wanting to buy slushies and other junk, we just got a new stock load, so I decided to put those away to kill some time.

Marco's POV (Finally)

"Alright guys, you have two minutes to grab whatever you can for the party later tonight. Ready. Set. Go!" Jackie said as we all spread out looking for snacks.

Of course I head over to the junk food aisle and grab Zebra Cakes, Skittles, Oreos, Swedish Fish, and Whipped Cream because why not.

As I was going to grab a bag of popcorn, I heard this beautiful voice singing a song. It was kinda soft, so I followed the voice until it became a bit more clearer.

Then I was able to recognize the lyrics.

"I could lift you up"

"I can show you what you wanna see and take you where you wanna be"

"You could be my luck"

"Even if the sky is falling down I know that we'll be safe and sound."

I accidentally knocked over a couple boxes and the girl jumped. I slowly backed away seeing that she didn't it was me who knocked over the boxes.

"You guys got what you need?" I asked as we headed up to the cash register. They all nodded and we waited for the employee to come.

The same girl who was singing earlier was running up to us and went behind the counter.

"Sorry about that, I'm new here." She smiled a bit and started to cash out our items.

The blonde looked at our group with her beautiful blue eyes and smiled some more. "Hey Janna."

"Hey Star. How's work holding up for you."

So her name is Star, pretty name for a pretty lady. Yeah I know I just met her but if you could see how beautiful she is, then you'd be drooling all over her.

"It's been crazy, but I can handle it." Here voice drove me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, we're having a party later, would you wanna come?" Jackie asked.

She nodded her head. "Yeah sure, once I'm done with work of course. That'll be $20.18 please."

Jackie handed her the money and we started walking out the door.

Janna nudged me with her elbow and whispered to me. "You like her, don't you?"

"What! Why would you say that?" I felt hear rising up to my cheeks. "I just met her anyways, so she could be a total bitch for all I know."

"So, if she was a bitch, then you would be perfect for her!" She smirked and ran away carrying a bag of candy.

"Janna!" I yelled.

She just laughed and ran the rest of the way to Jackie's house with me chasing her.


Word count: 1410

Dayum, I this chapter is twice as long (wink wink nudge nudge) as the first one. I finally got to update this YAY!!

I don't have any school this upcoming Monday or Tuesday so I'll probably be hearing a chapter or two for each book.

Have any questions or ideas for upcoming chapters lemme know!

¡Adiós mis compañeros escritores!

~ Marie

Popstar and the Bad Boy(StarcoAU)Where stories live. Discover now