The Final Straw

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Chloe's P.O.V.
"What's wrong with her?"
"She's too quiet"
"Nah man she's just stupid"
All of these voices are just swirling around me. They are coming from all these kids on the playground and I've had enough. I stand up from the bench where I'm sitting and walk up to one of the bullies who is also the biggest bully in the whole school. His name is Connor.
"Oooh Chloe's got her big girl pants on" some kids in the background say.
"You know what Connor you're a big fat bitch!" I yell.
Boom. I'm on the ground.
I hear cheers coming from behind me.
Then they are all gone.
Connor punched me in the face.
I lay on the ground crying and bleeding and that boy Noah must've seen what happened because he runs over and kneels down next to me and says "Chloe are you okay?" he asks.
I sniffle and nod.
"You're bleeding let me take you to the nurse" he says and helps me up.

Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm laying in Phoebe's lap watching tv with her and just as I'm about close my eyes and take a nap my phone rings.
I pick it up and look at it and I see that it's Chloe's school. That's strange I think to myself.
"Hello is this Mr. Mathers" the lady on the phone asks.
"Yes it is, who is this?" I ask.
"This is your daughter Chloe's principal" she says.
"Oh, how can I help you?" I ask suddenly feeling very concerned.
"I need you to come to the school immediately and pick up your daughter she's been involved in a fight" she says.
"Seriously?" I say feeling shocked.
"Yes seriously, Mr. Mathers" she says rudely then hangs up the phone.
I sit up on the couch and Phoebe looks at me with a worried expression.
"What's going on?" she asks.
"Chloe got into a fight and we have to go down to the school and pick her up" I tell her.
"Oh gosh, we better get going then" Phoebe says.

We arrive at Chloe's school and we make our way inside.
We reach the principal's office and I see Chloe sitting in a chair with her head down.
I rush in and she looks up at me with tears running down her face, but she also has a black eye and dried blood under her nose.
"Chloe what happened!" I scream in panic.
"Connor hit me" she says in between sobs.
"Who is Connor?" I ask.
The principal asks me to sit down.
Then another set of parents walk in with a boy.
"Your daughter called my son a bitch" the dad yells at me.
"Connor always picks on me and gets other kids to pick on me!" Chloe suddenly yells.
"Maybe it's because you're a weirdo" the boy says back.
I don't know if I can take this.
"Shut up kid!" I yell.
Everyone looks at me in shock.
"I see where she gets it from" the dad says smirking.
I punch the guy right in the face and he collapses onto the ground.
"Marshall!" Phoebe yells in shock, and just as I'm about to kick the guy Phoebe
grabs me and wraps her arms around me holding me back.
"Marshall calm down sweetie" she says.
She starts rubbing my arm I think she's trying to calm me down it's kind of working.
"I love you" she whispers, then she takes my hand and sits me down.
Chloe just looks at me shocked.
Suddenly I actually feel bad for this guy.
"I'm calling the cops" the principal says.
No please don't do that I think to myself.
"No don't, he's sorry!" Phoebe yells.
"I don't care, he assaulted this man" the principal says.
"Can I talk to you privately?" Phoebe asks the principal calmly.
"Sure" she responds hesitantly.
She asks Chloe, Connor and Connor's parents to wait outside the office, then Phoebe turns to me and says "go apologize."
Phoebe's P.O.V.
"What do you want to talk about Mrs. Mathers?" she asks.
"I understand that my husband hit that man but he's a good guy and he's very protective" I say.
"Well" she starts to say but I cut her off.
"He was bullied really bad in school and he doesn't want the same thing happening to Chloe" I say.
"I know your husbands story and I understand where you are coming from" she says.
"You do?" I ask.
"Yes, my son Noah, he goes here and he gets bullied sometimes too, he also listens to some of your husbands music.
"Oh" I say.
Suddenly I have an idea what if I get Marshall to do a free concert for the school if they don't press charges.
"What if I told you I could get Marshall to do a free concert for the school if you don't press charges" I say.
"Well..." she says clearly thinking about it.
"Can he do clean versions of his songs?"
"Yeah he can do that" I tell her.
"Okay" I can allow that she says.

Eminem's P.O.V.
I said I was sorry to the father and he said sorry to me and he made his son apologize to Chloe, then they left to go to urgent care.
Phoebe walks out of the office.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Everything's fine" Phoebe says.
"Really?" I say surprised.
"Yes, but I told her that you are going to do a free concert for the school" she says.
"Oh, okay" I say feeling slightly confused.
I wonder what Phoebe said in there.

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