The Morning After Part 1

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Phoebe's P.O.V.
I wake up and look over at my alarm clock and to my horror it says that it is twelve o'clock in the afternoon. I'm late for work and I've never been late to work. In a state of panic I pick up my phone and call Jill. Jill and I both work at "Taco Bell" We both love "Taco Bell."  Although our manager Dwayne doesn't think to fondly of Jill and I in fact he's really just a big asshole for no apparent reason. This is why I'm freaking out, I can't get fired I need this job it's how I pay my bills. Jill picks up the phone and yells "Phoebe where the heck are you! Dwayne is so pissed off right now and I can't deal with him." I know I'm so sorry I just woke up, please tell Dwayne I'm on my way. "Okay, but girl you better hurry up."
Eminem's P.O.V.
Oh my gosh I'm exhausted, last night was really great. I love performing so much it just makes me feel happy. I have such a amazing fan base.
Boy am I hungry,I slept past breakfast. I go into my kitchen and open my wooden cabinets and look for something to eat. Ugh I can't find anything that I feel like eating right now I think I will just ask someone at my studio to pick up something for me to eat. I get into my black SUV and drive to my studio.
At the studio
"Hey what up Em!" my friend 50 cent yells. Oh nothin' just got out bed twenty minutes ago. "Lazy" 50 says and laughs. Hey you're not the one who had a concert last night I spit back."Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he mumbled. What's that I say. "Nothing" Paul walks into the room and my stomach growls. He laughs and asks me if I'm hungry. Of course I say yes and I ask him to go pick me up some fast food, I really don't care where he goes I'm just hungry.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
I just got to work and Jill walks up to me and says "thank goodness you're here we are getting really busy" Out of the corner of my eye I see Dwayne staring at me. As if Jill read my mind she says "Don't worry I took care of Dwayne for you." Thank you so much I really owe you one."No problem." All of a sudden she starts laughing. What's wrong I ask she looks at my shirt and then looks at me and she says "really you wore your Eminem shirt to work" I glare at her. Of course I did it's always a good day to wear an Eminem shirt. Especially since we went to his concert last night, which by the way did I tell you that was the best night of my life? "Yes Phoebe, you did" she says while rolling her eyes. Okay just making sure I say smiling. After that Jill goes into the back to prepare the food while I manage the front counter. A tall large man with a beard walks up to the counter and boy does he look familiar.

Hi welcome to "Taco Bell" how may I help you? I say with a smile. "Yes, hi can I get three tacos and one nacho grande with two Diet Cokes please" Sure coming right up. Hey you seem familiar, I think I've seen you somewhere I say. He responds and says "yes maybe you have, I'm Paul" PAUL ROSENBURG! I say a little to loud. He looks at me funny and says "yup that would be me" You're Eminem's manager it's an honor to meet you sir. I went to his concert last night it was so awesome! I say practically screaming now. I hear Jill yell from the back that his order is ready but I ignore her and continue to talk to Paul asking questions about Eminem he doesn't really talk back but to be fair he didn't really get a chance to. Jill finally comes and pulls me away. "Sorry for my friend here she's a huge fan" Jill says. Paul just looks at me then takes the food and walks away. Bye I yell and wave.
Eminem's P.O.V.
What is taking so long? I'm sitting here trying to write a song nothing specific at the moment but I write everyday even if it's just for fun. The door to my office opens and Paul walks in with bags of food from "Taco Bell" yes I love "Taco Bell" "Sorry I took so long Marshall there was this girl who was working the counter who knew who I was she was clearly a huge fan of yours." Oh, that's ok, what did she say to you? "Gosh I couldn't catch a lot she was talking kind of fast the only thing I understood was that she said she went to your concert last night."Well what did you say to her? "I confirmed my name, other than that I just looked at her, kind of a weirdo in my opinion." Aww don't say that, that's kind of mean. Paul shakes his head laughs and walks away. "See ya later Marshall."

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