Hailie Gets Married

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Eminem's P.O.V.
I can't believe it Hailie, my baby, is getting married.
She gave me an invitation and it says
"You are invited to the wedding ceremony joining together Kevin and Hailie Leary" she is taking his last name. I feel a tear run down my face I'm happy and I'm sad.
Phoebe is sitting next to me in our bedroom and she is reading the invitation as I hold it in my lap.
She sees that I'm crying.
"Awww it's okay" she says wrapping her arms around me.
"She's all grown up" I say.
"I know, and I know that's hard" she says softly as she gently pets my head.
" I am happy for her though" I say.
" I know you are" she says.

Hailie's P.O.V.
I'm going out with some of my girlfriends that I knew in college before I graduated and I'm going to shop for a wedding dress.

"Hey Hailie check out this dress" my friend Monique says.
I look at the dress and it's beautiful it's all white with a few sparkly purple ribbons towards the bottom. I think it's perfect.
"I'm going to have to get this one" I say.

"Do you know who is going to be your flower girl?" my other friend Kaylee asks.
"Yeah I do it's going to be my little sister Chloe" I tell her.
"You mean the weird one" Monique says.
I can't believe she just said that.
"Don't you dare talk bad about my sister" I say harshly.
"Okay" she says looking surprised.
I don't think she expected me to snap at her like that.

Eminem's P.O.V.
Hailie called me and said she bought her wedding dress and her bridesmaid's dresses.
I'm paying for all of it though...
Phoebe keeps telling me that I need to have a good attitude about the wedding. I keep telling her that I'm happy but it probably doesn't come across that way. I mean my daughter is getting married of course I'm happy for her but she can't expect me to not feel a little upset.

Hailie just arrived at the house and she brought her friends with her.
"Hey dad these are my friends Monique and Kaylee we went to college together" Hailie says.
"Nice to meet you girls" I say.
Then they walk upstairs to Hailie's old bedroom to hang out.

Phoebe comes and sits next to me on the couch.
"Do you want to watch some tv?" Phoebe asks.
"Sure" I say agreeing.
We end up watching South Park for a while.

I can't believe she's getting married tomorrow, I think to myself.

The Wedding Day

Eminem's P.O.V.
Me, Phoebe, Whitney and Chloe are in the car driving to the location of the wedding.
Phoebe is wearing a pretty sparkly blue dress, Whitney is wearing a purple silk dress and Chloe is wearing a sparkly pink dress. I'm just wearing a t-shirt and jeans with my kangol hat.

We arrive at the wedding. The girls run back to get into their places and I go find Hailie so I can walk her down the aisle.

"Hey dad" Hailie says as I walk into the little room she's getting ready in.
"Hey Hai Hai" I say smiling.
She looks amazing her long blonde hair is curly her makeup is done to perfection with long black eyelashes and rosy colored lips and she looks gorgeous in her white dress.
"You look amazing" I say.
"Awww thank you so much" she says blushing.
All of a sudden Hailie's friend Kaylee comes in and says "Hailie it's time."

I'm holding Hailie's arm as we walk through the doors of the venue. Chloe is walking in front of us throwing rose petals onto the ground and classical music is playing in the background.
I look around and I see all of Hailie's friends and of course Kevin's family, Phoebe and Kim.
Finally we make it to the front where Kevin, the bridesmaids and the priest are standing. I let go of Hailie's arm and I whisper in Kevin's ear "take good care of my daughter."
He just smiles and nods.
I go and sit next to Phoebe and I feel a tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek. Phoebe must've noticed because she gently takes my hand and holds it tightly.

"Do you Kevin take Hailie to be your wife?" the priest asks.
"I do" Kevin says.
"Do you Hailie take Kevin to be your husband?"
"I do" Hailie says.
"You may now kiss" the priest says.
Hailie and Kevin kiss and hug while everyone cheers, including me.
It's official Hailie is now Hailie Leary
Kevin Leary's wife.

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