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Eminem's P.O.V.
We are at the hospital and Phoebe is in labor. Hailie and Kevin are on their way to the hospital right now. Alaina is on her way too and Whitney is obviously with me.
Whitney is so adorable she's right next to Phoebe encouraging her. I feel awful for Phoebe though, she's in a lot of pain.
All of a sudden I hear frantic yelling coming from the waiting room and I realize that it's Hailie. I tell Whitney to stay with Phoebe and I quickly go and grab Hailie and take her with me to Phoebe's room. Alaina arrives about fifteen minutes later. Hailie and Whitney are both shocked at what's going on they have never seen someone give birth before. Alaina isn't shocked she's just excited.
After several hours of labor and pushing our beautiful baby girl came into the world.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
My beautiful baby is in my arms her big blue eyes staring up at me. She has small tufts of brown hair on her head. I can see Marshall is overjoyed and the girls are in awe. I let Marshall hold her and he cradles her in his arms. After he holds her the nurse takes her to clean her up. While the nurse is doing that another nurse walks in with a birth certificate for us to sign. "Have you come up with a name for her?" the nurse asks. Yes, I say, her name is Chloe Rose Mathers. "That's a beautiful name" thank you I tell her. Me and Marshall sign our names on the birth certificate and then the other nurse comes back with Chloe and lays her in Marshall's arms. I see Marshall gently stroke her little face and kiss her on top of her head. I can't help but smile at him he loves children and he loves his little girl a thousand times more.
"Can I hold her?" Whitney asks excitedly. "Sure sweetie" Marshall says placing Chloe in Whitney's arms. "Hey Chloe I'm your big sister" Whitney says, then Chloe happily coos.
Whitney's P.O.V.
Awww she's so adorable and perfect she looks so much like daddy and mommy.
Eminem's P.O.V.
Whitney puts Chloe back into my arms.
She's so innocent looking and fragile, and she's mine. Phoebe wants to hold her but I don't want to let go of her. Of course I let Phoebe hold her though. I can see the love in her eyes, she is going to be a great mom.
The nurse says that Phoebe has to rest so me and the girls have to leave the room. I ask the nurse if I can hold Chloe but she tells me that she is going to take her to the nursery.
I'm mad I want to hold my child.  Why is she such a bitch? I say a little to loud. "Daddy said a bad word" Whitney says giggling. I think the nurse heard me because she turns around briefly and glares at me. Do you know who I am? Don't glare at me! I'm yelling now. "Dad calm down" Hailie says to me, and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Deep breaths" she tells me. Thanks Hailie I say. Hailie and Phoebe are really good at helping me when I get upset or frustrated. They make me stop and think. I feel bad when it happens though. Hailie had to help me because obviously Phoebe is in the other room sleeping.
I need to go apologize to that nurse. Hailie can you watch Whitney for a second? I ask her. "Yeah, no problem dad." I smile at her then I get up to find the nurse. I walk down the bare white hallway making my way towards the hospital's nursery. Then I end up finding her right outside the nursery's door. She looks at me with a unhappy face and says "what do you need Mr. Mathers?" I came to apologize for my behavior, I was just excited and I wasn't thinking. "Well thank you Mr. Mathers I appreciate that" she tells me accepting my apology. I walk back to the girls and sit with them. We watch the tv that's playing. Eventually visiting hours are over so me and the girls go home.
When we arrive at the house Nate is there. Hey Nate I say. Phoebe gave birth today I tell him. "Oh that's amazing I can't wait to see her."  "Chloe's really cute" Whitney adds excitedly. We all laugh at Whitney's excitement.
"I can't wait until I have kids" Nate tells me. I smile at him and say, don't grow up too fast.

A couple of days pass and after what seemed like forever Phoebe and Chloe are home.
Phoebe's friend Jill happened to come by and see Chloe, even though Phoebe and Jill haven't really been talking to each other since the incident at Phoebe's birthday party. Jill of course loves Chloe but we didn't let her stay at the house very long.
Everything is just perfect right now Phoebe and Chloe are home and safe.  Me,Hailie, Whitney and Nate are helping take care of Chloe while Phoebe recovers. I love my baby girl.

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