Hanging Out

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Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm sitting home alone it's Saturday and I'm not planning on going to the studio today. My girls are at Kim's and Nate is out with friends. I'm just feeling a little lonely. So I turn on the T.V. and put on the football game. I grab my notebook and sit on my couch. I'm bored so I decide to call Royce but he doesn't answer, then I call Denaun but he says he's busy. Man no one is ever available outside of the studio.
I decide to do something I didn't think I would ever end up doing.I called Phoebe.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
I'm home alone watching The Simpsons. Jill didn't want to hangout today because she said she's hanging out with some other girl she met. I don't know her name but I don't really care.*Ring Ring* the phone rings and I pick it up.Hello I say and to my surprise and great delight I hear Marshall's voice."Umm... hi, is this Phoebe?" he asks. That would be me I say happily. He laughs a little. He seems a little nervous. What's up? I ask. "Well I was kind of wondering if you would want to hang out with me for a little bit, I'm not really doing much so... yeah... anyways do you want to?" No I'm sorry I'm sort of busy today I say. "Oh okay"he says I'm just kidding with you of course I'd love to hang out I'm not doing anything either I say. He actually sounded a little sad when I told him I was busy. "Oh,okay" he laughs. Do you want to come to my house? I ask him "Uh... sure"he says. So I give him my address and hang up the phone.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I drive to the address that she gave me and walk up to the door of her house. It's not very big but it doesn't look trashy. I knock on the door and she opens it "Hi" she smiles warmly hugs me and when she lets go she grabs my hand and pulls me inside. Whoa, okay I say she sits me down on her couch then she gets up and walks into her little kitchen. I try to get up and she says "No, no,sit Marshall" so I sit back down. Umm thanks for inviting me over I say. Boy this is awkward. What am I doing? She grabs a cup of water and a box of Cheez Its and brings them to the couch. She hands me the water and asks "Do you like Cheez Its?" Sure I say. "Good because I love them, here ya go" she hands me the box. I look at the wall behind me and I see a poster of me. Yeah that's a little weird. "So"she says "Would you like to watch T.V.?" Umm yeah that be nice I say with a small smile. She turns on the T.V. and starts flipping through the channels and I see that South Park is on. Can we watch South Park? I ask. "I've never seen that but sure" she says. You've never seen South Park? I ask "Nope" she says.Well you're in for a treat I say smiling at her. We watch South Park and she started laughing about ten minutes into the show. She has a sweet laugh. All of a sudden she puts her arm around me. I'm a little uncomfortable but I don't pull away. We continue to watch the show.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
He's so sweet. I really like this South Park show.He has such good taste and I'm having so much fun.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I guess this isn't so bad it beats being home alone.
Eventually I had to get going as we say goodbye and I'm walking out she sweetly says "Hey Marshall" What's up Phoebe? I ask "Did you have fun? because I know my house is small and I don't have a ton of stuff but I really wanted you to have a good time" Yeah of course I did I say and give her a genuine smile. I think at that moment I really realized that this girl is special and I actually really like her.
I say goodbye and I reach over and give her hug she looks at me surprised but then she gives me the biggest smile bigger than the one she gave me the first time she met me. I turn around and get in my car to drive home. I laugh, man she sure is something.

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