A Friendly Outting

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Eminem's P.O.V.
It's Sunday and I'm still thinking about hanging out with Phoebe yesterday. She welcomed me into her home and hung out with me. It felt uncomfortable at first but I kind of want to see her again. I don't want to be rude and invite myself to her house but I don't really want her to come to my house. I know, I'll call her and ask her if she wants to go get ice cream. She's gotta like ice cream. So I call her phone.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
*Ring Ring* Oh my phone is ringing. I pick up the phone and guess who it is? It's Marshall. Hello I say. "Uhh... hi Phoebe I was wondering if you wanted to meet up and get some ice cream together... as friends" he says. Oh I would love to. I think there is a Dairy Queen not to far from my house I say. "Umm... yeah I know which one you're talking about...I'll see ya there" he says quickly and hangs up. I'm so happy, I'm literally jumping up and down. He asked me out. Okay remember Phoebe he didn't ask you out on a date he asked you out as a friend I say to myself. I run to my bathroom and quickly curl my hair and grab my shoes then I get in my car and drive to Dairy Queen.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm pulling into the Dairy Queen parking lot and I am actually feeling some what excited to see her. I made myself clear though that this is not a date. I see Phoebe's car pull up and she gets out. She comes up to me and gives me one of her incredibly tight hugs. Then she grabs my hand and literally pulls me inside. "Come on Marshall" she says happily. She won't let go of my hand but she's being gentle now so I don't mind. "What would you like Marshall?" she asks me and pulls out her wallet. How sweet I think, but I can't let her pay for the ice cream. Oh Phoebe this is my treat I'll pay for it I say. "Are you sure?" she asks, positive I say. So I buy us our ice cream and we sit down. So Phoebe tell me a little more about yourself, what's your family like? I ask. "Well my mom and dad live in Washington and I'm an only child" she replies. Oh okay. "What about you?" she asks. Uhh... well I don't know what you might have heard from my music but... my dad abandoned me when I was a baby my mom really isn't in my life anymore we fought a lot. I have a little brother, well half brother named Nathan. We are pretty close. Then I have my other half brother Michael and half sister Sarah but I don't talk to them. I have three daughters my biological daughter Hailie who you briefly met, and she is fifteen. Then there's my niece/adopted daughter Alaina who you also met and she is seventeen and my adopted daughter Whitney who is nine. Then of course my ex-wife Kim. "Wow" she says that just makes me laugh. Do you have any friends? I ask. "Just one, I have a hard time making friends" she says. Really? I find that hard to believe. "Well it's true" she says with a small smile. I reach over and pat her on the back. What's your friends name? I ask her. "Her name is Jill, we've been friends since kindergarten" she says. I couldn't help but feel a little sad when she talked about her friend. She made me think of Proof my best friend. I must have looked a little sad because Phoebe asked "are you okay Marshall?" Yeah, sorry I say. I was just thinking about my best friend Proof he was shot and he died. We had been friends since we were teenagers. I had a single tear come out of my eye. Phoebe sees it and gets up out of her chair and hugs me while softly rocking me back and forth. After a few minutes she stops. Thanks I say quietly.
We finish our ice cream but we decide that we want to stay at the ice cream shop and talk.
All of a sudden Phoebe's phone starts ringing. Go ahead and answer it I say. She gets up and walks away from our table "Hello" I hear her say. A few minutes passed. She hangs up the phone. And walks back what was that about? I ask."That was my friend Jill she was asking if I wanted to hang out but I said no because I'm with you, but she doesn't believe me." I'm guessing that Jill isn't a huge fan of me I say. "Actually she does like your music she just gets sick of me always talking about you" she says looking really embarrassed. Oh I see, well if you want I could meet her so she will believe that you have met me. "That would be so cool" she says excitedly. There's another reason why I want to meet her friend, it's because I want to meet the people she considers close to her. Alright well I have to get going I say. Phoebe comes up to me and hugs me as usual. I decide to hug her back. I'll see you later Phoebe I say. "Bye" she says smiling and waving. Aww...

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