Alaina Goes To College

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Phoebe's P.O.V.
Today is the day that Alaina is going off to college. Me and Marshall have been helping her pack her things all day. She is very excited. Although I know Marshall is a little sad, even though Alaina isn't actually his daughter he thinks of her as his daughter and he's raised her practically her whole life.  I think it scares him that he knows Hailie is next. She is in the eleventh grade she drives and she has a boyfriend. Little Whitney has a ways to go considering she's only in fourth grade. But Hailie is Marshall's princess,his own flesh and blood. Marshall believes that the girls won't love him as much as they get older but I've assured him that that's not true.
Eminem's P.O.V.
Lainey's going off to college. I'm excited for her but I'm also sad. Me Phoebe, Hailie and Whitney are driving her in about an hour.
Hey Lainey,I got you a going away gift I say. "Oh, what is it?" she says eagerly. Turn around, I say. I fasten a necklace around her neck. She looks at it in awe. "It's beautiful, thank you so much" she says and hugs me. You're very welcome I say and I smile. You've grown into such a beautiful young woman. I remember when you used to roller skate in the back yard of our old house when you were little.
"I want to say thank you to you for helping raise me. I'm so grateful that you and Kim have been in my life, and now Phoebe. I'll visit on the holidays and when I can and please let me know when little Chloe is born." Of course I will and don't forget I'll always be here for you. She smiles at me.
Alright time to go! I yell to everyone in the house. Hailie, Whitney and Phoebe come down the stairs to me and Alaina. We all get into the car and drive to Alaina's new college.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
We are sitting in the car while Marshall is driving and me and the girls are talking to each other.
All of a sudden Marshall turns on one of his hip hop cds and starts rapping to himself. The girls look at me and I can tell that they are a little annoyed. It doesn't really bother me but it is Alaina's day. I tap him on the shoulder, Marshall I say. "Hmmm...?" Do you mind turning off the music for now. "Oh I'm sorry" he apologizes and turns it off. You're fine I say, then we resume our conversation.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I feel kind of bad for interrupting their conversation but I don't think Phoebe and the girls are mad at me.
We finally arrive at the college. Everyone gets out of the car and Hailie looks at the college in awe. "It's so big" she says. "I can't wait until I get to go to college." Alaina smiles at Hailie. Me and Phoebe go into the college and help Alaina set up her dorm. After we helped her we all say our farewells. Bye Lainey I say. "Bye Alaina" Phoebe says. "Bye sissy" Hailie says. Then Whitney goes up to Alaina and hugs her, "bye Lainey." "Bye guys" she says and then we leave.

We are driving home when all of a sudden Phoebe starts crying out in pain. "What's wrong Phoebe?" I say extremely alarmed. "I think there's something wrong with the baby!" What! I yell. I've got to get her to the hospital. I drive as fast as I can to the nearest hospital. I'm going way over the speed limit but I don't really care right now. Phoebe is way more important than the speed limit.
We get to the hospital and we all rush inside and of course as soon as we get inside people start screaming Eminem! Eminem can we get an autograph! The downside of being a celebrity. I mentally sigh.
Go away! I yell. The nurse comes up to me and Phoebe and says that she will take us to a private room with security.
Once she gets us in the room she asks what's going on. Phoebe tells the nurse she is in a lot of pain and she wants to make sure that the baby is okay. The nurse quickly gets Phoebe's vitals then rushes off to find the doctor. "Marshall I'm cold" she whines. I can totally understand why she is cold this whole hospital is gray, bare, and cold. Even I'm cold and I'm wearing two hoodies.
Do you want one of my hoodies? I ask her. "Sure" she says shivering. I take off my black Nike hoodie and I put it on her. "It smells like you" she says faintly smiling. I can't help but laugh at that remark. Then Hailie and Whitney laugh too.
Suddenly the door to the room opens and a friendly looking doctor walks into the room. "Hello I'm Doctor Hines" "What seems to be the problem Mrs. Mathers?" "I'm in a lot of pain" she tells the doctor. "Okay well we are going to run some tests to make sure everything is okay."

After a while of waiting Doctor Hines walks back into the room with the test results. "Okay good news you and your baby are just fine, I think you were just having really bad cramps." Oh good I say with a sigh of relief. Phoebe looks relieved as well. "You, your husband and your daughters are welcome to stay the night if you would like" "Oh that's a very kind offer but if everything is okay I think we are going to go home now." Phoebe replies. Are you sure Phoebe? I ask her. "Yes I'm sure" well okay I say a little unsure. We end up checking out of the hospital and driving home.
Once we all arrive home the girls go up to their rooms to bed. What a crazy day. Hey Phoebe the girls are at Kim's tomorrow I tell her. "Oh that's nice we can have a little alone time together." Yeah we can it'll be great. Me and Phoebe lay on the couch together and eventually Phoebe falls asleep. She's had a long day. I end up staying awake with my thoughts and I have many of them but what I'm really thinking about is how much I love my family and how I'm glad Phoebe's okay and my daughters are growing up so fast, and of course the new one on the way. Finally I decide to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

That Girl (Eminem fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें