Meeting Jill

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Phoebe's P.O.V.
Today is Monday ugh I have to go to work. I'm driving to work and I decide to call Marshall on my phone.
Eminem's P.O.V.
I'm driving on my way to the studio and my phone starts ringing I look at the caller id and it says that it's Phoebe so I pick it up. "Hi Marshall it's me Phoebe" Hi Phoebe what's up? I say "Well I'm on my way to work but I wanted to call and say hi" she says. That's nice of her I think to myself. "What are you up to?" she asks. Oh I'm on my way to the studio for the day, I reply "Sounds fun" she says sweetly. "Oh I almost forgot I was wondering if you would want to meet my friend today" I wouldn't mind doing that later on today I tell her. "Okay cool, I'll have her come over to my house and you can come over and meet her" What time do you want me to come over? "Well I get off work at six so how about seven?" That will work I say. "Okay see ya later" and she hangs up the phone.
I get to my studio and I walk inside and I see Denaun making some beats. What up dawg I say. Denaun gets up and gives me a bro hug. So me and that girl Phoebe hung out this weekend. Denaun looks at me with wide eyes "seriously?" he asks. Yeah on Saturday I went to her house and we watched South Park and on Sunday we went and got ice cream. I'm going to her house tonight to meet her best friend. "You like her don't you?" I think I do I say slightly embarrassed. To my surprise Denaun didn't start laughing at me instead he gave me a small smile and said "Good for you Marshall I wish you the best" Thanks man I say.
"You should buy some flowers to give to her when you go to her house tonight" Denaun suggests.That's actually a really good idea.
Phoebe's P.O.V.
I'm at work. Jill comes up to me and says "hey girl how are you?" I'm good I reply,so I was wondering if you could come over tonight I have someone that I want you to meet. "Yeah I can do that" she says "what time do you want me to come over?" I was thinking a little after seven o'clock. "Sounds good."
Eminem's P.O.V.
I've been working really hard today and making some really dope songs. I'm actually really proud of myself. 
I decide to get ready to go because I still have to get Phoebe some flowers and I don't want to be late to her house. I know of a local flower shop where I can get the flowers. I've bought flowers for my daughters from this shop. I pull into the parking lot and get out of my car. Once I got inside I saw various bouquets of flowers with many different colors, but I decide to just buy a bouquet of red roses. I walk up to the counter to pay for the flowers and the lady working the counter knows who I am.Ugh... she gets super excited. I give her my autograph and a quick hug then I leave.
I drive to Phoebe's house then I park my black SUV on her dirt driveway. I walk up to the door and knock. "Hi Marshall!" she says with a lot of excitement. These are for you I tell her while handing her the roses. "Awww thanks Marshall you're so sweet." She gives me a big hug and then we both go inside her house. "Jill should be here any minute" she tells me. *Ding Dong* Phoebe opens the door and her friend stands in the doorway and starts screaming. I want her to stop screaming. "Phoebe what the heck, why is Eminem in your house?" You didn't kidnap the poor guy did you?" No no I say laughing. I'm here out of free will. Me and Phoebe are friends and she wanted me to meet her best friend so here we are. "Oh I'm so sorry for freaking out like that. Let's start over I'm Jill" she says while sticking out her hand for me to shake. Marshall, just call me Marshall. Jill seems like a nice person but she doesn't compare to Phoebe. Phoebe has been nothing but nice to me. Jill hasn't been rude to me but she seems like someone who might be, I won't tell Phoebe that though. After we all talk and hang out Jill says goodbye and leaves. Me and Phoebe are left alone with each other. I should probably get going I say. "Okay, thanks for coming" she smiles and hugs me. "Oh and thank you for the beautiful roses" No problem I tell her and I walk out the door.

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