Chapter 20

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Emily's POV

<fast forward 3 months, again nothing important happened. Their relationship has stayed the same and the fans are assuming things but they haven't made it official yet>

I woke up to a familiar figure lying next to me. "Morning babe" he said in a sexy morning voice whilst kissing me. "Morning Blakey" I reply giggling into the kiss. We hold it for a while before he flips us so he's on top, his kisses trailing down my collar-bone. I feel is lips suck on my soft spot, causing me to let out a soft moan....He chuckles whilst moving onto another spot and doing the same thing. Leaving love bites all over my neck. "You like that?" He asked as I let out another little moan of his name. "Uh-huh" I reply nodding in pleasure. An idea comes to mind and I flip us over so I'm on top, I kiss him passionately before trailing kisses all over his collar-bone. Lifting his shirt up and over his head, I find his spot and suck gently on it...He let's out a little moan as I leave little love bites all over his chest and collar-bone. I sit up and look at my work before giggling and pecking him on the lips. His arms snaking round my waist, pulling me into a hug. We stay like this for a while before deciding to go down stairs.

"You think they'll notice?" I ask Blake looking at his 'art' on my neck. "Nah, I made sure I did them out of view unlike you" he winks at me whilst shoving on a top, before grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room with the others. "Morning lovers" says the boys and Hannah. "Morning" I laugh. I sit down next to Blake on the sofa, snuggling into his shoulder. "So what took you guys so long coming down?" Asked Hannah smirking. "Oh nothing, we just woke up late" I lie whilst looking at Blake. "Oh please, it's not like you guys didn't make out up there" says Reece smirking. "Yeah, blakeee" moans George "emilyy" he moaned again. We both go slightly red at this "you heard us?" I ask quietly. George's nods, "let's just say your lucky your brothers not here" he laughs causing Hannah to crack up. Great, nice to know all your friends heard you make out with your boyfriend.
"Shit" I mumble. "Try to be more quiet next time yeah?" laughs Reece as we both nod in embarrassment.

"Hey guys your alright?" Asks Brad as the rest of the Vamps come in joining us in the living room with pizza. "Yep!" Me and Blake both say at the same time. "Blakeee" George moans smirking. "Shut up" I hiss at George which gets a confused look from the others. "So sorry emilyyy" he moans again laughing as I give him a hard shove. "Guys why does he keep pretending to moan your names?" Asks a confused Connor. "Wait- you guys didn't-?" Asks Tris his eyes wide. "Oh god no, we uh no" we both say a little uncomfortable. "Right I hope not" he smiles "only joking, you guys can do whatever as long as you use protection. I don't want baby Blake and Emily's running round!" he laughs. "TRISTAN!" I yell in shock as I throw a pillow at him. I notice Blake's laughing awkwardly as everyone's laughing. "Pizza anyone?" I ask changing the subject. "Yesss!" They all shout laughing grabbing a slice.
"Wanna go live and do a Q&A?" Asks James picking up my MacBook and opening Facebook as we all nod. I watch as George gets his phone out and posts a tweet asking for questions for the q&a. Within seconds they all come flooding in.

"Hey guys! It's james here and I'm with the whole squad! Vamps, new hope club and the girls! Let's get this started- first one is 'who's single and who's taken? If your taken who with?' Okay well I'm single" He laughs reading out the question. "We're all single" laughs the Vamps. "I'm taken, by Holly" smiles George as Holly says the same. "Same with me but with Sophie" smiles Reece as they hold hands. "I'm also taken, by this sexy beast right here" he laughs kissing my forehead. "Cute" laughs Tris as we move onto the next question. "Right, if you could be one animal for the day what would it be?" He asks thinking about this. "Ooh i know what I'd be! I'd be a bird because then I could watch the whole world from above" I squeal causing them all to laugh. "That's a good one" laughs Holly. As they all answer it. The answers are: George- fish, Reece- Penguin, Blake- Bird (because birds stay with their soul mates forever and that's how long he wants to be with me for. This made everyone giggle in awe), Sophie- panda, Holly- elephant, Tris- Fish, James- monkey, Connor- Lion, and James a horse). "Okay next one this is for you-" he says looking st me and Blake. "How long have you been together for?" He asks raisin his eyebrow. "About 5 months now" we reply smiling at each other. "Awww" they all say laughing.

We carry on with a few more questions before deciding that that's enough. "Okay guys thank you for all the questions! We answered as many as we could!" We all day together before ending the live stream. It's about 11 now and we decide to go to bed.

Pretty eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora