Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of the my phone alarm going off. Great. I yawn, stretching my arms. I get up and change into some simple leggings and a comfy jumper. I put on minimal make up before joking the others at the front of the bus. "Morning lazy" chirps Holly. "Morning" I reply, taking a glass from the table and filling it up with orange juice. "Any food being made?" I ask Sophie who's playing chef. "Only my very best pancakes" she winks back at me before handing me a plate of them. "Thank you" I smile back before tucking in. Letting out a moan of goodness. "The boys went to sound check about 30 minutes ago, so should be back any minutes now" smiles Sophie who sits down next to me. I nod before noticing one of their guitars that they left behind. I pick it up and start playing a song. Singing softly with it-

I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough. We danced the night away, we drank to much. I held you hair back when you were throwing up. Then you smiled over your shoulder for a minute I was stone cold sober. I pulled you closer to my chest. Then you asked me to stay over I said I already told you I think that you should get some rest.

I sing the rest of the song softly before looking up to people clapping. "Wow, you never said you could sing!" Exclaims Reece. "That's because I can't" I frown. "She's always been amazing" laughs Sophie. "You guys should film a cover with her" smiles holly. "Yeah! That's such a good idea! Blake and Emily could sing a duet and we could sing in the background!" Grins George. Blake nods in agreement. "Right that's what we'll be doing this afternoon then!" He laughs. "Show starts in an hour! Everyone needs to be at the stage in 10, whether your performing or not" joes voice booms through the speakers once again. We all laugh before grabbing our bags and heading towards back stage.

Before long, we're surrounded by a few fans. "Blake! George! Reece! Can we have a photo?" A girl about 13 asks. "Of course" replies George politely. All three of them stand with the girls smiling there smiles.

Blake's POV

"Blake! George! Reece! Can we have a photo?" Asks a few girls. "Of course" replies George smiling. We all stand in line smiling at the camera. Once we've finished the photos, one of the girls goes over to where Emily and the girls are standing. "Are those your girlfriends?" Asks one of them. "Yes, well 2 of them are. One of them is just his friend" says Reece nodding at me. "Aw, isn't that Emily?" Asks the other one, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder. "Yeah" I smile watching Emily. "I thought she was your girlfriend?" Asks one of them who's name I learn is jasmine. "Oh no, were just friends" I reply sadly. I wish she was though. George smiles smugly at me before whispering something to the girls. "What?" I ask as they all just stand there staring at me. "Nothing" they all say in sync. "Oh-Kay then" I say chuckling. "When are you going to ask her out then?" Asks jasmines friend. "Huh?" I say confused. The boys laugh from beside me, "He doesn't have the guts to ask her, even if he wanted to" laughs Reece. My eyes widen at this. "Were just friends and that's how it is going to stay. Anyway she doesn't like me like that" I smile sadly. "Blake. Are you serious? Have you seen the way she looks at you? Even I can see she likes you" smiles jasmine. "Yeah well Blake's dumb when it comes to girls" laughs Reece. "Rude!" I laugh faking being shocked. "But true" I admit. "Anyways we have to get going now. We'll see you all at the show?" Asks George. They all nod in response. "Bye" they call out to us waving.

Emily's POV

"Excuse me, are you Blake's girlfriend?" Asks one of the girls asks coming over. "Oh no, I'm not. We're just very good friends" I smile back. "Yeah because good friends go on dates and post cute couple photos" she smirks. "Like I said we're just very close friends" I say again getting annoyed now. "Well you guys like each other that much is obvious. And I don't mean like friends" she replies smugly. I blush but before I could answer her mum calls her. "You guys would be so cute though" she says before walking back to her mum and the other girls, giving us all a wave. "You okay?" Asks Reece, obviously nothing I was a little shocked. I nod before following them all into back stage.

"Hello and welcome to tour day 1! I hope you boys enjoy this show!! The doors open in 10 minutes so get to your dressing rooms and calm those nerves! Good luck and have fun. I'll see you all after the show" says Joe before walking of the stage. "Good luck Tris! You'll rock it like always" I smile giving my brother a hug. "Thanks sis, I hope so" he smiles back to me before heading of with the rest of The Vamps boys to their dressing rooms. The New Hope Club boys get up to find there dressing room, us girls following. "Ah dressing room sweet dressing room" laughs George. "Wow" we all laugh crashing into the room. I notice Blake doesn't seem himself, constantly keeping himself busy. I get up and walk over to him, "hey you okay?" I ask him, he looks up at me all teary eyed. "Not really, I'm so scared em. I can't do it. what if I mess up?" He asks shaking. "Hey hey now listen to me, your amazing. You won't mess up. You'll be fine once your on stage yeah?" I say taking his hands and kissing them. "What if they don't like us though?" He asks sadly. "Blake of course they'll like you! But listen to me, not everyone in the world is going to like you. Unfortunately that's how the world is these days. But trust me on this one. They will love you. You guys have come so far, from singing covers in YouTube videos to going on your first tour. You'll rock the stage. You were born to do this" I smile hugging him. "Thank you Emily. I really needed that" he smile gratefully at me hugging me back. "Your welcome, now remember I'll be in the wow pit until your last song" I smile. He nods before we walk over to join the others. "The audience is packed already. The crew are setting up for us...we've got about 15 minutes to kill before we're on" says Reece sound chilled. "Right well we best be getting into our seats then" smiles holly. Who gives George a quick peck before walking out the door, Sophie doing the same. Just as I'm about to leave Blake grabs my wrist pulling me into a hug. "Thank you" he says into my ear before pecking my cheek. "I love you so much" he says holding me tighter then ever. "I love you so much too, now be brave yeah? Good luck" I smile giving him a peck on the lips before walking out the door catching up with the others. Leaving Reece and George (and probably Blake) shocked at my action.

Once we take our seats, which are front row, we wait for the lights to switch off. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome New Hope Club" Brads voice fills the stage as our three boys run onto the stage. "Hi I'm Reece" calls Reece, his voice echoing over the arena. "Hi I'm Blake!" Blake says his voice doing the same. "And I'm George" smiles George his voice, once again, doing the same as the other twos. "And we are new hope club!" They all say together. "I hope you enjoy us singing, and have as much fun as we do!" Cheers Blake which gets the whole audience clapping. They start singing their first song- oh Cecelia!, then - make up, somebody to you, perfect, steal my girl, and they are in their final song- perfume. Blake's voice booming over the stage as he starts singing-

<Blake, George, Reece, all>

People come and go, but you always just seem. To stick around and show that you are into me
Oh oh oh
You left at 10 in the morning
Oh oh oh
Why are you still on my mind
I worry about our plans.
Cos I got those in my hands yeah.
My room still smells of your perfume and it's like I'm lying here next you, trying to figure it out what your all about and I don't want to looks the smell of your perfume form my room.

<skip to the end of the song>

Blake bends down and comes over to where I'm standing, holding my hand as he sings this-
And my room all I smell is perfume, cos it's like I'm lying here next to you trying to figure it out what your all about.
He gets up and joins in with the others again before finishing the song whilst awww's fill the arena. They stand and chat for a bit about their social media and The Vamps, whilst me and the girls make our way back stage, waiting for them to come off. As soon as they do Blake runs straight into my arms. "I'm so proud of you" I smile kissing his cheek. "Thank you" he grins hugging me tight against him. We stand like this for a while before letting go, catching up with the others. "You guys were incredible up there" says Sophie getting means holly nodding in agreement "yeah, best show I've seen" I smile at Blake who smiles back at me.

Me Sophie and Holly all head back to our hotel room to go to bed early. "Night" I call out before the lights go out

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