Chapter 4- emily's POV

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Emily's POV

<the boys last day before tour>

"EMMMMILYYYY!" Shouts Tris from down stairs. "YES TRISSY" I yell back, laughing at his nickname I had given him when we were little. "THE BOYS AND I ARE ALL GOING BOWLING BEFORE STAYING ROUND, WANNA COME?" He yells back. I contemplate this for a second before yelling back my decision- "alright, what boys?" I ask, as I join him in the kitchen. "Vamps&NHC" he replies, taking a sip of orange juice. "Yeah I'll come then" I say instantly smiling at the thought of seeing Blake again.

I see him smirk from the corner of my eye. "What?" I ask as he sits there staring at me, a smirk playing at his lips. "Oh nothing, just wondering why your smiling" he says smirking again. I blush "oh it's uh it's nothing" I smile again shrugging. "Yeah sure, you excited to see the boys today then? More specifically speaking, Blake?" He asks, raising his eyebrows as I blush a crimson colour. "Well yes of course I'm excited. But please, we're just friends" I laugh thinking I'm stating the obvious. "Aw come on, I see the way you two look at each other!" He smiles going goo-goo eyes at me. "Tris really, I've known him for what a few days. I can't like him yet. He's very sweet and good looking, but for the moment we're just friends" I say once i'd buttered my toast, sitting down next to him at the table. "Well, we'll see how long that lasts then won't we" he smirks. I roll my eyes before watching him getting up and walking out the kitchen

After I finished my toast I wash my plate and set it up to dry, before heading up to my room to get ready. My phone pings signalling I have a message from Sophie-

Yoo, can I come over? My place is boring:/ x I laugh before quickly sending a response-
course! is that even a question?! You practically live here! X
I laugh and shut my phone off. "Tris, Soph's coming round too, I'm gonna ask Holly as well that cool?" I call out to him, getting yeah in response. I ring holly-

<h=Holly, E=you>

H: "heyy em what's up? "
E: "hey, you free today? The lads are going bowling, and me and soph are joining. Wanna come?"
H: "yeah sure! Is uh is George going?"
E: I laugh before continuing "i think so yes, why do you like him?"
H: i can sense her blushing at this "yeah, but he knows. Oh my god I didn't tell you did I?!"She squeals
E: "no? What haven't you told me?" I ask slightly confused.
H: "it's nothing bad" she laughs. "Basically since me and George are together, he asked if I wanted to join them on tour!" She squeals
E: wait what? She's joining the lads on tour? Why can't I come? I frown at this. "Oh uh that's great! Wait since when have you and George been together?" I ask confused.
H: "well basically, I knew him briefly before hand, as did Reece and Sophie, through a party we went to once. We'd kind of been in a thin since then but we made it official yesterday. And I think Sophie and Reece did as well" she smiles
E: "oh that's great! Why didn't you tell me before? What party?!" I ask wanting to know all the details
H: "oh it was one Maddie had a couple of months back, Jan, I think it was?" She says. It's now march.
E: "wow that's ages then!" I laugh
H: "I guess yeah" she laughs as well. "Anyway enough about me, what's up with you and Blake? We saw you two snuggled up on your bed the other day" I blush and groan at this.
E: "Holly, were just friends! He's very cute and yes I may like him, but for now we're just friends!" I say getting frustrated with everyone now.
H: "I was only asking! Anyways I got to go, I'll see you in 5 yeah? We can finish this convo then" she smirks before hanging up.

Great! Now everyone thinks me and Blake like each other! I internally groan.
I hear the doorbell go, as I get downstairs. "I'll get it! It's probably yh girls"I say happily as I open the door, screaming when I see the New Hope Club boys all standing there. "You scared me!" I laugh letting them in. "I could tell" laughs George. One by one they pull me in for a hug, but Blake's lingering on for longer. "Alright enough now guys" laughs Tris braking us apart, "If anyone knew differently, they'd think your together" he laughs winning at us, causing the both of us to blush. "Anyway I thought you guys were Sophie and Holly. Sorry" I laugh before the door bell going again. Opening the door I get engulfed in a hug by both of the people on the other side. "Hey guys!" I yell whilst still being hugged. "Heyy!" They say back, releasing me and moving into the others. George and Holly stand there hugging, but before long he's kissing her. Same with Reece and Sophie. Me and Blake just stand there awkwardly, waiting for them to finish up. "Aw guys why don't you just kiss!" Laughs tris. "You might as well join in, seeing as you guys are practically together" he laughs again at our eyes widening. "Um no I think we're good" we both laugh uneasily, still holding the hug. Not realising the others have finished we stand there still hugging. "Um guys, are you ready to go?" Asks Reece. Breaking apart we nod and follow them out the door. "We're meeting the lads there" says Tris as we get into the car, earning him a nod from each of us.

<Once they'd arrived>

"Tristan" calls someone, causing us to turn our heads. Spotting the vamps boys all by Costa. Running up to them, all being engulfed into a group hug. "You boys excited for tour?" Asks Brad nodding at Reece George and Blake. "Yeah!" They cheer before getting into a convo about the arrangements for the buses. "Holly your going in bus 2 with George's lot. That okay?" Asks Connor. "Yep!" She smiles hugging George. "Sophie, your with them as well. Emily, wait it says your not coming?" says Connor questioning the last bit, looking up from his phone where he was reading the list from. Everyone looks at me. "No, I didn't know those two were going either" I reply before continuing. "Well um if your all talking about tour I guess I'll go home then as there's nothing I can say about it" I smile sadly before walking off. "Bye" I hear someone call out from behind me. How could they all just going away on tour, without me? I sit down on the curb whilst getting ready to call a taxi.

"Em? Emily" I hear a familiar voice say. "Blake?" I question looking up at him. He nods before sitting down next to me. "Why'd you disappear?" He asks. "Is there really any point in me being there? If all your gonna do is talk about tour? Which I'm not going on?" I say grumpily. "Hey, I didn't know the others were coming either. I don't know why they are to be honest, there not even related to anyone in the bands!" he says laughing a little, turning my head towards him. "I knew Holly was as George asked her, but Sophie? I didn't even know she liked going away from home. Let alone going on tour" I say sadly. "Just wondering but why exactly aren't you going?" He asked me. Because no one asked me. I think to myself. "I have to revise" I lie. "That's not true, you've already finished your exams. Tell my why your really not going" he says knowing I was lying. I sigh, "No one asked me, normally Tris asks me a few days before or would surprise me and the girls with tickets for it. But this year he didn't" I smile sadly at him. "Wait no one asked you? Yet they asked the others?" He asks shocked. I nod before continuing. "I didn't even know tour was happening till yesterday" I admit. "Well I'm going to change that then. Would you like to come on tour with me?" He asks. "Well with us but I'm asking you" he chuckles. My eyes lighten up. "Yes! I honestly miss the tour squad" I laugh sadly. "Come on, let's get back to the others" he says standing up, holding a hand out for me to take. "Don't want them assuming things do we" he winks. "No, but your the only one I'd let them assume things with" I say quietly to myself before realising what I said. He raises his eyebrows at me, "what's that supposed to mean?" I blush before responding. "Nothing, doesn't matter" I say as he shakes his head, before pulling him into Costa. Our hands still together. Eye brows being raised at us by the others as we walk in.

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