Chapter 5

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Emily's POV

I sit down next on the seat next to Sophie, taking a crisp from the table. "Guess who's joining us on tour" grins Blake smiling at me, our hands still entwined. "This sexy thing right here" he laughs winking at me when everyone shares a confused look. "Are you guys finally together?" Asks James, who gets everyone else nodding in agreement. "Nooooo!" We both laugh, "god can I not give a girl a compliment without being accused of being together with them?!" Laughs Blake. "We're joking guys, you would look cute together though" says Connor, showing us a photo of us both (1st Photo). "When did you take that?" I ask looking at the photo of me and Blake hugging, which he had posted on Instagram. "Earlier, when you guys first came" he replies, showing my the comments. Some of them are nice "aw they look so cute together!💕" Or "aw who's she? I ship it" one that kept popping up though was- "blakes girlfriend is hottt, 😍you chose well buddy" making me laugh when I read it. "These comments OhMyGod" I laugh. Then I spot a bad one. Who's that? Get of him he's mine! I'm going to kill that bitch😠🔪 Tears fill my eyes, as I hand the phone back to Con. "hey, it's just a comment, they don't mean it" he smiles obviously already read the comment. I nod before taking a sip of my drink which Holly bought me.

I go onto my instgram and post a photo- Costa w/ my faves 💗☕️ tagging the others in the photo. I see Blake from beside me taking his phone out, opening snapchat before lifting it to me. "Say cheese!" He chuckles before pressing the button. Click! After I hear that I know he's taken a picture. "Lemme see" I say trying to peer at his phone, he lifts it up hiding it from me. "Nope, check my story" he grins. I roll my eyes before opening Snapchat, clicking on Blake's story. He had posted a photo of me and my drink, with Costa date 💕 as the caption. I laugh before giving him a playful shove. After we've all finished our drinks, we head over to the bowling centre.

"Hi, I booked a bowling session for 10 yesterday. Under the name Simpson?" Brad asks the receptionist. "Ah yes, Alley 3. If you come over here, you can get your shoes. Enjoy" she smiles handing him our tickets. I take my shoes of and hand them over to the boy the other side of the desk. "Size 5 please" I say moving out the way. The others already had there shoes, and were waiting for me. The boy, who's name I had learned was Alex, can back with my shoes. "One pair of shoes for one beautiful girl" he smiles winking at me. I feel Blake come up beside me, kissing my cheek. "You alright there babe? Got your shoes?" He asks winking at me for me to play along. "I do yes, shall we join the others?" I ask kissing him on the cheek in response. He nods as we say bye to Alex, who looks red and a little awkward. Once we get down the side of our alley we both burst into a fit of laughter. "His face was priceless omg" I say in between laughs. "I know! He must think we're together!" Laughs Blake.

Once we'd calmed down, we join the others. "Okay George, Holly, Reece, Blake and Connor are team 1 and Sophie, Emily, Brad, James and me are team 2. Is everyone okay with that?" Asks Tristan who gets a nod from everyone. "Sick lets get this started then!" He yells picking up a ball. "Your going down Richardson" I say smirking at the opposite team. "In your dreams Watson" smirks Blake. And with that the game is on. One by one we each throw a ball. So far team 1 is on 149 and team 2 are on 133. "Right 2 more rounds left. Let's hope team 2 can win" I announce. "Let's do this" grins Sophie. After the last rounds, we check the final score. "Urgh looks like you won Richardson" I frown as Blake dances around doing his victory dance. This earns us a few odd looks from people. "In your face Watson!" He laughs before taking my hand. "Only joking, I only win once your mine" he winks. "Awwww!" Smiles George as I roll my eyes giving him a playful shove.

"Ohhh Reece?" I hear Blake ask. We're currently all walking back to mine, where everyone's staying as we leave for tour tomorrow. "Yeah mate?" Replies Reece. "Take a photo of me and em for me" smiles Blake. "Course" he replies taking Blake's phone and takes a photo of me and Blake from behind. We're walking along, hand in hand making silly poses. "I took a few" says Reece handing Blake his phone back. "Lemme seeee" I groan having a look at the photos. There actually quite cute. There's one of me and him hugging in the cafe (A/N-1st photo below), and one of us walking along hand in hand ( 2nd photo below).

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I laugh and ask Blake to send them to me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I laugh and ask Blake to send them to me. He nods and my phone pings with the photos. "Mind if I post one?" He asks and I nod. He chooses the one of us in the cafe (top one) and posts it with the caption- much love for this nutter 💕🙈 @/emilywatssx and tags me in it. I immediately like the photo, commenting on it- love you lots you crazy thing💕 I smile before posting the second photo with the caption- tour with this crazy thing&squad tomorrow 💕🙈 🎤 I smile when Blake and the others all like it commenting on it.

We're finally home and I go straight up to my room, getting straight into my Disney PJ's. I run back downstairs and plonk myself down with the others. "Tris, what's the time?" I ask my idiot for a brother who responds telling me it's half 5. "We should probably go to bed soon, given the fact that we need to be up at 5 tomorrow!" I sigh as the others nod in agreement. "Yeah, who's sleeping where?" Asks Sophie. Oh. I didn't think about that... I open my mouth to respond but thankfully Tristan beats me to it. "How about Reece, Holly and George all up in the loft. James can stay with my in my room, Brad and Connor in the basement. And Sophie and Blake in your room Emily?" He asks. "Yeah that's fine by me" I smile hoping Blake fine staying in my room. "I think I'll go up in the loft actually, don't want to third wheel these 2" giggles Sophie nodding at me and Blake. I smile shyly, giving her a playful punch. As everyone laughs. "Alright but don't do anything you shouldn't do at 16!" Smirks Tristan. "Oh my god shut up! We're not even going out!" I squeal as Blake thinks other wise. "Can't promise anything" he smirks winking at Tristan before grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs to my room. "There faces" he laughs as he gets changed into just his boxers. I'm already under the covers when he turns the light off, getting in next to me. "Night princess" he smiles pulling me into him. "Night" I smile back as I let sleep take over.

Pretty eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें