Chapter 3- Emily POV

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Emily POV

I wake up with my head resting on Blake's chest. "Morning" I say happily, propping myself up with my elbows. "Morning" I hear Blake say in my ear. "Hey, Blake?" I ask suddenly noticing I'm in my PJ's. "hmm?" he replied sleepily. "How did I get changed? I don't remember doing it" I say fiddling with my sleeve. He blushed slightly before saying "I didn't see anything I swear! I just thought you'd be more comfy in pyjamas" he says quietly. "Hey, its okay!" I smile "you um didn't see my arms did you?" I ask un-easily. He shakes his head slowly and relief floods through me. He suddenly bolts upright taking hold of me. "Why? Em is there something you don't want me to see?" he ask looking cautious. "No, no its uh nothing" I fake smile before getting up and walking towards the door. I hear footsteps from behind me and before I know it, he's pushed me up against the door.

"Emily" he says sternly. "Show me your arms" he says so quiet its almost a whisper. I shake my head and attempt to walk away. Key-word attempt.

"Emily" he says more sternly now "Show me, your arms" he says on the verge of shouting. Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I give in, rolling up my sleeve, revealing my scars. some new, some old. "Wh-wh..Emily, why?" he says tears evident in his eyes.

"I have depression okay? sometimes I get worked up about life and this is the only way I can let it out" I sniff. He takes my arms and pulls me into a hug, whispering in my ear that it will be okay. "I don't want you to do that again, okay?" he says kissing my forehead. "Look I-Ive wanted to do this since I first met you- at the station" He smiles and looks at my lips. Before I know it, we're once again leaning in. I close my eyes as does he and our lips touch. His are soft and smooth. We hold it for a few seconds before pulling apart, standing there together smiling before going into a hug. "I really like you" he whispers before walking off, leaving me to get ready. I smile. Blake likes me!!

I quickly text him- just for the record- i really like you too :)

I press send and change into a tracksuit and a baggy jumper. I don't bother putting any make up on- but throw my hair up into a high pony tail.


short chapter sorry! I've been super busy the past few days :/ I'm going to post a new chapter in a sec tho! em x

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