Chapter 15

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Emily's POV

I'm currently walking with Holly and Sophie towards the back stage part of the O2. "Right do you 3 know what your doing?" Asks joe as we going him and The Vamps back stage. "Yes I think so" we reply as we take our silly string cans. "Tris I want you and Con to spray the audience a little bit and the rest I want you to spray the boys. Try your best to distract them, knock things over, run informs of them, kiss them. Play with their hair, do whatever you lot want to do but keep it PG as the fans may not know you guys are all a couple okay?" Says joe and we all nod knowing our places "right 3...2...1...GO!" He whisper shouts and on we all run, me and Sophie running behind the boys and spraying them. I go up to lake and kiss him on the cheek during his solo to which he responds by laughing pulling me in for a hug whilst still singing. I wriggle free after a second and chase Reece with the silly string, spraying him and the others as I pass them. Once we'd run out of string we run back of stage throwing the cans on the floor before grabbing a top of each other boys hangers and changing into it. "Ready?" I whisper to the girls as they nod at me. "Ready" they nod in agreement. We run on and jump onto each of their backs, Holly on George, Sophie on Reece and me on Blake. By this point the audience are going wild, the boys are sweaty (as are we) and covered in silly string, The Vamps are running around like monkeys and the new hope club boys are singing the remainder of their song with us on their backs. Laughing as they do so. "THANK YOU LONDON YOU'VE BEEN AMAZING! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN VERY SOON!" Shouts Reece as they run of stage, letting us jump off. "That was probably one of the best prank nights I've been on" I laugh hugging the boys. "I agree" they all laugh in response.

"Right lads, end of London tour party tonight! We have 2 more shows after this then yours really over" says Tris joining us on our walk to the buses. "Yep, but we are having a little party tonight at the bar to loosen up a little" laughs Brad. "Meet you all at the bar in 10?" Asks Brad and Tris who get a nod from the boys. "See ya" they call walking of towards their bus next door. New hope club go in and get changed, coming out in a smart shirt and jeans. God they look hot. I think to myself, walking over to Blake and giving him a hug. "Right we'll be there in about an hour, don't get to drunk before we get there will you" I laugh winking at them. "Well try our best" smirks George as they wave bye and make their way to the bar.

"Okay girlies, what should we wear? Nothing to formal but morning to casual either. We want to dress to impress" smirks Sophie. "I like your thinking, how about a crop top and jeans?" Asks Holly picking up our outfits. "Ooh yes I like your thinking! Let's do it!" I smirk grabbing mine and changing into them. I'm wearing a cream of the shoulder crop top, black skinny jeans and my cream Nikes. We all snap a quick selfie and post it on snapchat with the caption- end of tour eve party w/ my girlies 😄💗 I smile and post it to my story, before saving it and posting the same photo and caption on Instagram, tagging the girls, new hope club, joe and the Vamps. We head off towards the bar.

About 5 minutes later we reach it, going our separate ways as the girls needed the toilet. Walking round the corner I spot something

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