#4 Make up

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Six o'clock detention with Snape and Draco. Well, might as well get this shit show over with. I knocked.

"Come in."
Snape called out. I see Draco's already here and sitting at one end of our table. I'm surprised to not see any cauldrons or parchment in front of him. Guess Snapes going to try something different for punishment...great.

Snape gestured to the other side of the table where a stool was strategically placed.

"This is not what I was expecting. "
I leered at Snape making sure he knew this was not going to be that easy.

"Traditional means of disciplining you two would not cover, nor fix, the real issue."
I'm impressed I was about to say so too but by then Draco chimed in.

"So instead of write lines or scrub cauldrons, what do you expect me to do Professor?"

'Me?' Oh, what? Am I not here.

"I expect, Mr. Malfoy, that yourself and Mr. L/N will cease this foolish display before curfew."

Yeah, no. That's not going to work. Sorry Snape, I have no interest in making this stop.

"Well then we're going to be here all night if thats-"

"Let's start at the beginning."
Snape cuts me off. And continues.

"What has happened that is making you both act out this way and for so long."
I shake off Snapes earlier intrusion. Responding as though I'm innocent in this.

"I don't know? Ask Draco. He's the one making a game out of it."

Which is a lie. I'm the one making a game out of it. But I know that will be enough to bait Draco into responding.
It worked too. Draco got up from his stool, red faced in rage and slammed his hands of the table.

"If you hadn't called me 'Gay for Potter' then proceeded to act like a faggot that you claimed me to be none of this would be-"

What did he call me! OH HELL NO!
I jumped out of my seat and went to lung at him but Snape caught me before I got to close.
This made Draco flinched back and I can see fear on his face. Damn right he should be afraid! Called me that name-

"Enough! This is the opposite of progress."
Snape has me by my forearms tight grip too. I should of went for my wand. My rage starts to bubble over and I yell out.

"Call me that again, I dare you!"

I try to struggle out of Snape grip. I just want to slug Draco in his stupid, beautiful, fear-stricken, face.

"Mr. Malfoy you will say no such thing."
Snape gives Draco a serious look. But I can see that, like me, Draco's not having any of it.

"Why not? You wanted us to talk, this is how it is now Professor."
I almost smiled at that. Draco has never I Sassed Snape before. I bet Snape is just livid.

Before I can spare a look at the potion Professor I was suddenly in roughly shoved towards Draco crashing into him.
I didn't expect Snape to do that neither had Draco. Snape was seriously mad now. Storming right at us both. Proving just how intimidating he could be.

"Weather either of you like it or not, this will be the end of it!"
Snape changes his tone back to calm and serious.

"Or this will be the end of both of you."
My heart sank at hearing that. I looked at Draco rather pathetically I'll add.

Draco Malfoy x Male Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon