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I've been having a ton of time to get inspired these past few days, which lead me to write a whole bunch of "ideas-for-later" in my note pad.

See I was wondering if I should just put up a new story titled 'Draco x Male Reader Vote Prompts' where I have listed all my ideas for new stories or side story for my current one. Where you guys get to tell me what to do first! Hell even give me prompts ideas yourself.

How does that sound? It would go like this.

My ideas to vote on
- #1 After the war Draco gets a boyfriend whos American and happens to bump into Harry and Ron. Humor/ possible Smut ending not multi-chaptered

- #2 How M/N became best friends with Draco. Based in first year / Fluffy as hell

Comments be like
" You should do one where M/N meets Draco's parents!"
"Do one for a Hufflepuff male reader x Draco plz~"
"Seme male reader x uke Draco smut" ;)

Draco Malfoy x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now