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I had fallen asleep when tight pains and sharp movements woke me up. They were restraining my hands above my head with a tight rope that hung from the ceiling, and my ankles were wound together as well. I lifelessly mumbled and started to ask them questions.

"Where are we?" I glanced around and saw two other people smirking at me, and another girl who was hung up. She was bloody and didn't look like she was even alive. I watched her chest and eventually saw that it was rising and falling, and soon she opened her eyes. They were bright-red and bloodshot, and looked worse than what someone probably looked like when high... It wasn't anything I had ever seen before. She winced as they opened while she seemed to sniff the air, which was stale and musty. I noticed there was blood around her mouth, and was very confused what these people's obsession was with licking or drinking blood.

I started to tear up as I realized that I might eventually look like her. They finished hooking me up and then left the room for a second. I could hear their voices whispering outside but couldn't make out any of what they were saying. I started to cry when they walked back in, but the side of me that was numb said that I don't really care that I'm here because nothing really matters to me when I'm depressed. Then I have to ask myself, if that's the truth, why am I crying in the first place? That's my light side... I just wish there were more of it left...

"So darlin' we got a proposition for you,"

This was a different man than the one who kidnapped me. He was burly, large, muscular, yet fat in his stomach, and was just as unkempt and dirty looking as the man who brought me here. The third guy was a lot skinnier and he seemed at least decently taken care of. I'm not sure why there were differences.

"Hey! Are ya listenin' to us?"

I looked up at him slowly and nodded to the best of my ability. My eyes were heavy and would hardly stay open, and I feared I would fall asleep and that would also make them angry at me.

"We'd like you to be a new lure for us... so our negotiation is that you become a lure, we'll treat you right, feed ya, all the shit you people need, and we'll spare you. Does that sound like a deal sweetie?"

I just kind of stared blankly at him without knowing what to say, and hardly even comprehending any of what he said. I tried to open my eyes wider to look at him and respond, but I was failing. He grabbed my cheeks and forced me to look at him.

"Well are you gonna answer or not?" he started having a tone with me.

"Well I have a pro...position... for you, too,"

"And that is?"

"I need to know what's going on... I - have no idea what the... hell you mean by 'lure'," my voice was shaking and I had to swallow a lot before I felt like the words would come out clearly. "and you referred to... me as 'you - people'. Ex-planations would help me..."

He turned around to his companions or whatever he called them, minions, assistants, whatever. They gave single nods and he swiveled around to me like he was just soaking up these conversations like they were the best small talk in the world.

"Well, if ya wanna know," he walked up to me and looked at my wrist, then bared his teeth and over those appeared tons of thin, slender, sharp teeth.

"Am I dreaming? What kinds of drugs did you slip me??"

"No no everything you're seeing is completely real,"

He smiled as he pulled out a knife and sliced my other arm, pretty deep, but not too deep that I would bleed out. I winced and cried and clenched my hands at the unexpected pain. The other girl snapped awake and looked at me ravenously and her eyes were fiery and intent on my fresh wound. She also had the same razor sharp teeth bared at me...

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