Arvika was in the very first row of the garden, having her back to Dev who was in the middle of the garden, hiding her body from the eyes of Saket, while Saket was just going to walk towards the other side of the resort from the main gate with his men. All in all, Dev was doomed, who was in a turmoil, not knowing what to do to protect his girl from facing any of the dirty remarks of the same man who was as dirty as a pig and as vulgar as some B-grade Bollywood movie's actor.

'Do something before he sees her,' Dev mumbled to himself, observing the swollen and hideous face of Saket.

Having the need to protect her from any of the humiliations and embarrassment, Dev ran towards Arvika, and without wishing her a single word of greeting, he turned her abruptly towards him, breaking her peace, and pushed his lips on hers, while putting his both hands on her hips, trying to hide it from any of the intrusive eyes of the men along with Saket!

In a moment of urgency and protection, Dev's lips found Arvika's, his hands anchoring her firmly against him as he braced for the passing crowd. With closed eyes and a heart racing with determination, he pressed his lips to hers, a silent plea for safety and sanctuary amidst the chaos. Though a part of him savoured the closeness, relishing the softness of her lips against his own, his primary focus remained on shielding her from any potential harm or humiliation.

Meanwhile, Arvika's heart pounded with confusion and fear as she felt the unexpected touch of a stranger's lips upon her own. With her eyes squeezed shut, she struggled to comprehend the intrusion, her mind reeling from the suddenness of it all. She instinctively sought to push him away, her attempts at resistance met with the firm grip of his hands, holding her in place with an unyielding strength.

As Arvika's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred by their proximity, she struggled to make sense of the situation. She couldn't even see who was the molester who was kissing her like this. Her attempts to break free were thwarted by Dev's unwavering hold, his touch igniting a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her. Despite her efforts, she found herself ensnared in his grasp, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection.

With determination etched upon his features, Dev refused to relinquish his hold on Arvika, his desire to protect her eclipsing all else. With one hand keeping her firmly in place and the other concealing the red bloodstains, he stood as a silent guardian, shielding her from prying eyes and potential harm. And as the tumultuous events of the night unfolded, he remained unwavering in his commitment to keep her safe, no matter the cost.

But what they both didn't know was that the whole school too had returned now, witnessing the most scandalous & scurrilous scene of Arvika's life that'd leave her ultimately to shreds.

"What's happening over here?" The booming voice of Mrs. Sarita, St. Xavier's sternest teacher, shattered the serene ambience of the garden, abruptly halting the century's most scandalous kiss between Dev and Arvika. Dev's demeanour stiffened instantly at the sound, and he swiftly withdrew from Arvika, leaving her in a state of shock, her senses jolted by Mrs. Sarita's authoritative presence.

"F***," he cursed under his breath, reluctantly pulling away from Arvika, granting her the chance to catch her breath and confront the perpetrator who had brazenly kissed her against her will.

Arvika was stunned and deeply shaken by Mrs. Sarita's thunderous and incensed tone, but what disturbed her, even more, was the individual who had stolen her first kiss, violating her without her consent.

The person whom she called 'Bhaiya' till today had kissed her, the person whose life she had wanted to save from some strangers had kissed her, the same person who had gotten her pads, yesterday had kissed her, whose real intentions were now disclosed in front of her, his all dirty intentions of why he had helped her.

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