Chapter 11 Maria Makes a Big Decision

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The first time Maria saw Kyle she was beside herself with remorse and shock. His head was partially shaved and a large bandage covered most of it. Tubes were everywhere. His face was black and blue and he wore a neck collard. She gently kissed him on the lips and prayed that he would wake up soon. But days passed and Maria could see the worried look on Dr. Neill’s face.    

“Why hasn’t he woke up yet?” she asked him.

   “I don’t know. His head injury is healing, his bruises are slowly clearing up, his lungs and heart are fine. We just have to keep feeding him through the IV and eventually we might have to talk about inserting a tube in his stomach for feedings.

Maria heard what the doctor was saying, but none of it made any sense to her. After the doctor had left, she leaned over Kyle’s bed and said, “Damn it Kyle, wake up. We have a wonderful life to live. None of us have been perfect, but we love each other and Karia misses you so much.” Then tears slowing ran down her now gaunt face.

She waited, but Kyle remained in his dream state. Many of his co-workers and their friends had visits and sent cards and flowers. There were so many flowers; she had to give some away. Feeling totally helpless and powerless, Maria decided it was time to do approach Kyle’s healing differently. Allopathic medicine had its place, but now was time for alternative medicine. Several Reiki healers had come and he still slept peacefully. Finally, she sent an email to the Seth Study group.

Many of you have asked about Kyle and have wanted to come and visit him. I thank you for caring so much about him. He is still in the dream state and the doctors are thinking about inserting a feeding tube in his stomach then move him to a nursing facility. Before this can happen I need you to come and meditate with me at his bedside on this coming Sunday at noon. I asked that you read and study the chapter in Seth Speaks on sleep, dreams and consciousness.  We will journey into Kyle’s dream state and bring him back. I feel very strongly that this is the reason we are together. We can do this! If you think you can’t or don’t want to participate let me know. Oh, and dress in all white.

She received affirmative answers from everyone. There was one request from Clara, “May I please bring my Bible and read a verse or two before we go into the meditative state. I know I may have been a little difficult, but I believe in what you’re doing.”

Maria replied, “Yes.”

Maria had hoped that Kyle would have awakened prior to the healing session, but he didn’t.  She had taken a leave of absence from her job and stayed with him until it was time to pick up Karia from her parents. They begged her to let Karia stay with them. They would be responsible for taking her to and from school. But Maria wanted to keep her and Karia’s life as close to normal as possible. Karia cried for her father, but Maria though it would be too traumatic for her to see him as he was. She promised that soon she would be able to visit her father.

Sunday came quickly and Maria had brought several white candles to the hospital, filled a pitcher with water, and put a basket of lilies next to his bed. Bea, who is usually late, arrived on time. Once everyone was there, Maria met with the group in the family lounge. She went over the simple instructions again for them of focusing on Kyle and sending him love and healing while they are in meditation. She hoped that she would be the one to actually contact Kyle with the support of the group, establishing a safe place for them to meet with their loving thoughts streaming throughout  the spirit world.

The hospital had provided six chairs for them that Maria placed the best she could around his bed. She was sitting in the center directly facing Kyle. His iPod home was on the nightstand and the Gregorian chant played quietly. She gave them each time to individually greet him. At exactly noon, she directed Clara to open the meditation with a prayer.

  “I don’t know Kyle that well. I only met him for the first time at the Seth Study group. I gathered that he isn’t into religion or spiritually that much. But in times like this, a lot of faith and hope can go a tremendous way for the family to heal as well as the person. From Luke 1:37 With God nothing will be impossible.  Heavenly Father we are gathered to day to pray for Kyle Mathew and his family.  I don’t know if Kyle has been saved, but I’m standing in for him today Father, asking that You forgive him of his sins and show him the way back home. Because we know that the things which are impossible with men are possible with God,” she read from Luke 18:27.  " Jesus we call on You to touch his heart and release anything that is not right with him. Heal his head, body and soul today God. We pray that You be the Presence of Healing to awaken him today! In Jesus’ name, we say Amen."

“Amen,” the group responded in unison.

Clara shrugged her shoulder and looked at Maria before taking her seat. 

“Thank you Clara for the Bible reading and prayer. Everything helps,” Maria smiled at her. She was glad that Clara said what she did.  Maria knew Clara’s prayers were from the heart and wished she could pray like her.

The group closed their eyes and entered into Kyle’s dream state.

To be continued…

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