Chapter 2:Indigo P.O.V

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He's not here again, I noticed glancing over at the empty desk two rows down. Jude.... I hadn't seen him since the whole almost accident. I mean it's not like I care or anything.... I mean I barely know the guy. But why would anyone risk their life to save another person. Especially someone he didn't even know. I wonder if he has some ulterior motive.... Maybe he wants me to be his sex slave... Or maybe he wants money or something.

Of all the reasons that ran through my mind, I still didn't know or have the truth. In a way it's been eating at me the more I think about it. The guy could've died trying to save me. Not only that but I think he's been avoiding me, which I don't understand because he saved me. Carefully biting down on my lower lip I return my attention back to Mr.Dowe, who was mumbling madly over something no one cared about. Suddenly a small note landed in the middle of my desk. I shifted my eyes down to the chicken scratch writing on the note. It's from Alfie.

What do you say we blow this shit off. We both know this guys a fucking moron. Let's go get pissed. I stared at the note, then looked over at the pleasing Alfie. He smiled widely as he gave me a small wink. With a smile I quickly nodded my head. Alfie's hand shot up into the air. Mr.Dowe paused his ranting and nodded over to Alfie.

"Yes Alfie?"

"Yah.... So I've just eaten some horrible shitty ass food that's given me diarrhea. So I'd like to be excused for the nurse." Alfie smiled.

"Fine." Mr.Dowe nodded.

"Also, Indigo here has eaten that stuff too. So she'd need to go too. You know better safe than sorry." he added in.

"Fucking go already."

Alfie smiled brightly as I began grabbing my bags. We both walked out of the classroom and down the desolate halls.

"That was splendid." I mutter under my breath.

"You liked it right? Made me feel smart you know!" Alfie smiled widely as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"You basically just told the entire classroom that I've got diarrhea. How is that smart?" I replied.

"Hey... were all human, and we all do the same shit. Besides we know they won't question something that embarrassing right?" he asked.

I pinched my lips together.... He definitely had a point

 "Now what?" I asked as we headed for the student lounge.

"Beats me, but I really do have to take a shit. So I'll see ya in the lounge then we'll leave." He smiled.

I nodded as he quickly took off down the hall. As I entered the lounge there were a couple of people playing around or chatting with their friends. As I scanned the room my eyes stopped on the last person I expected to see. Jude. He was over in the corner by the pinball machine chatting quietly to a red headed girl, which from far away looked like Becky's sister. What was her name again? Becky rants everyday about her.... Ester?... E....Em... Emily? That's right. Next to him was a kid with big brown curly hair and Ray Ban glasses. I have no clue who the other guy is. I shifted my eyes back on Jude. I guess that answers my question on whether he's been avoiding me. I silently watched as he threw his head back with laughter. In an effort to stabilize himself from falling over, he raised his hand in the air. My eyes narrowed in confusion as I spotted a red cast on his hand. How did that happen? Then his gaze shifted over at me. The smile from his face disappeared and the color from his face began to pale. A low tingling sensation attacked at my lower stomach as our eyes connected. My breath hitched in my chest. Hands flew around my waist, pulling me from our gaze.

I spun around to find Alfie giving me his goofy grin.

"You ready babe?" Alfie asked.

I quickly glanced back over to Jude. His eyes were still staring at me with tense curiosity. I faced back to Alfie and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me from the building.


I stumbled down the road to the front of my door. My hands fumbled in my pocket as I searched for my keys. When my hands found none, I stumbled back to the sidewalk and grabbed a small rock. Struggling with the lack of light, I carefully took aim at Will's window.

Arching my hand, I released the rock. A big smile flew to my face as the light turned on. A few seconds later the curtains opened and my brother looked out the window. He chuckled then nodded down at me. A big sigh flew from my lips as I headed for the door. A moment later and the red door opened. Will stood there half asleep with a slight smirk on his face.

"Late night with Alfie again?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my way past him. He helped me up the stairs and to my room. I threw myself onto the bed. Will stood by the edge and took off my shoes.

"Can I ask you something Ind?" Will's light voice trailed across the room

I mumbled out a few words while I flipped over onto my back. A big cheesy smiled crossed my face. "What Will?" I asked.

"Do you love him?" he asked.

"Who?" I questioned.

He smirked. "Alfie." He responded.

I laughed loudly into the air. My brother's smile disappeared from his face.

"I was being serious Indigo." He replied.

I stopped laughing and concentrated on my brother's face. His hand brushed through my hair as he continued looking at me with concern.

"What is love anyway?" I slurred.

Will chuckled. "I haven't the slightest idea. That's why I was hoping if you could help me."

I shook my head."I don't believe in love Will."

A heaviness tugged at my eyes as I pushed further into my pillow.

"How can you not believe in love?" he asked softly.

"What good has it ever done anyone Will?" I retorted.

He snorted loudly and leaned over me to tuck me into bed. Then he gently placed a small kiss to my forehead.

"One day, someone is going to wake you up and show you what love is.... And before you know it, he's going to steal your heart and you won't know what'll hit you." Will whispered

My eye lids closed and the darkness took over once more.


What do you think of Jude and Indigo's undeniable chemistry? Tell me what you think in the comments below! Would loveeeeee feedback :D xxxx

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