Chapter 28

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Taylor's POV

As soon as Justin came home, he went straight to bed. I didn't mention anything to him though. I just kind of shoved the directions to the cabin in my pocket. I waited till the house was completely silent. Once it was, I grabbed the keys to Justin's car and I walked out of the house. He wouldn't mind me using his car, right?

I've been driving for about an hour or more when my phone began to ring. 

"Hello?" I said into the phone, trying my best to concentrate on the road.

"Goddammit, Taylor where the hell are you?" Tay said.

"Uuuhh..." I stayed quiet, "At my house..?"

"Don't even try that, boy. Kat left her sweater at your house and we went back to go and get it, but when we knocked on the door, Justin was there, and he said that you were there a while ago, but now your not. And also, Justin's car is missing." She sounded a bit angry.

I sighed. "Okay Tay, look, I'm sorry, okay? I couldn't wait any longer to go and find her, I-"

"Taylor are you crazy?! You shouldn't have gone alone! After I specifically told you not to go all alone, what did you do? You went all alone!"

"I'm sorry..." I said, hoping that she would calm down a little bit.

"You better get back over here!" Okay now she was starting to sound like my mother.

"I can't... I'm already obver halfway there." I said.

She sighed. "Okay Taylor... Just... Stay safe, okay? Call us if anything happens."

"I will... Tell the rest that I'm okay." I hung up the phone.

It was very late. Almost 12:00 AM to be exact. But I wasn't tired. I just kept driving. I'm almost there. I won't sleep until I find Hayley.

Hayley. Aw man I really hope she's okay. I haven't talked to her since she called me. I missed hearing her voice. I missed her laugh. I missed her smile. I missed her hugs. I missed her kisses. I just... I miss her.  I hope Chad doesn't do anything to her. I need her here with me. Which is why I risked going out all alone to find her. Who knows what Chad's capable of. I hope not too much...

According to the map, I was getting closer and closer. I was now driving down a road, and it was pretty dark. I could only see about 10 or 15 feet in front of me. All of a sudden, a car came into view. The lights weren't even on, I dont even think the engine was running. But it's just sitting there in the middle of the road. There was someone inside of it though.

I honked at it. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." I said to myself.

I honked again. This guy wasn't even making and effort to move. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. "Hey!" I called out and honked again. "Move it! C'mon!" I kept on honking. He didn't seem to respond, and I was getting impatient. So I opened the car door and walked out. I walked up to the car in front of me and tapped on their window. He slowly turned his head but it was so dark that I couldn't see his face. "Hey!" I said again. "Could you please move I'm kind of in a rush here."

Suddenly, the door burst open, causing me to fall on my back. I saw as he got out of the car and towered over me. 

"What the-" Was all I could say before he jumped on me and started beating me. I was still in shock that I couldn't even fight back. He lifted me of the ground and threw me towards Justin's car. I groaned as I tried to get back up to my feet, but my body hurt so bad. He ran up to me and knocked me back down and I hit the ground with a grunt. He leaned over me, once again, towering over me weak body.

"Of course you were stupid enough to come and find her on your own." Said a familiar voice.

"Ch-Chad?" My whole body ached.

"No you idiot, it's Santa Claus." He said sarcastically. He kicked me on my side and I yellped in pain. "You were do desperate that you were willing to risk your life to come and find her all by yourself, weren't you?" He kicked my stomach. It was all of a sudden becoming difficult to breathe. I began gasping for air. He leaned down and looked at me. "Now look at you. Nearly dead. And for what? A girl? Well, I guess you could say that she 'took your breath away'" He said with an evil smirk.

"You... Where's Hayley?" I said in a weak voice. 

He let out a chuckle. "Why do you care so much about her anyways? You treated her like shit when you first met her. Hell, you beat her up! And me, I was so good to her, so nice. Yet she chose you over me. Which is why I must get rid of you."

"Why... are you... treating this like... some competition..." I gasped for air. "Love's not a competition... and she shouldn't... be treated... like some prize..." 

"Oh, but my friend, it seems like I've already won." He grined as he kicked the side of my head.

I won't sleep until I find Hayley.

Everything went dark.


A/N: Sorry for any grammar mistakes or anything like that. This story is almost finished! I'd like to possibly finish it tomorrow... or maybe later on today. Anyway, thanks for all the reads! :D 


Love's Not A Competition(Tayley) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now