Chapter 19

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(A/N: I put chapter 17 as a tittle twice, didn't I? Haha, sorry haha, I fixed it. And also sorry I didn't update yesterday.)

Hayley POV

Today went by just like any other school day. Same classes, same teachers, same everything. Now that the day is over, I could go over Taylor's house. As I'm on my way down the hallway, I notice that my backpack was a little uneven. I tried to just pull on the strings without taking off my backpack, but I just couldn't seem to balance out the weight. So I slipped one arm after another out of the backpack straps to take it off my back and set it on the floor. Once I had it on the floor, I kneeled down to see what was wrong with the adjusting straps. As I leaned over my backpack, I noticed that my backpack's front pocket's zipper was open. I didn't remember opening it througout the day, so it seemed a bit odd to me. I looked inside to make sure no one stole anything of mine. As I reached my hand in to feel if all the things were there, I came across this object that was unfamiliar to me. I pulled it out and examened it carefully. A piece of paper folded in half? I took one corner of the paper inbetween my thumb and index finger and unfloded the paper, only to have another one fall out of it. But this wasn't just a paper, it was a picture. I bent over and picked up the picture and was a little wierded out of what I saw. A picture of me and Taylor, the day that we had told our friends that we were going out. It looked like the picture was taken by a camera phone and it was at a side view angle. In the photo, we were seated next to all our friends at our lunch table and Taylor had his arm around my shoulder and everyone was smiling. I turned the picture around and saw that there was something written on the back of the picture.

"Watch..." It read.

The first thing that popped into my mind was that there was suppost to be some video that came with the picture for me to watch. I tore through my backpack in search for a DVD or something, but there was nothing to be found. Watch what? I just sighed and stuffed the picture back into my backpack and began to walk to go meet Taylor. I was already late.

When I got there, sure enough, he was standing there, leaning against the pole, looking around for me. I saw as he didn't seem to notice me as he turned his head to look to the left. He kept scanning around until he finaly saw me. He had a small grin on his face. I smiled and began to walk towards him.

"You're late." He tried acting like he was mad.

"I'm sorry." I put on a fake pout.

He crossed his arms across his chest and lowered his eyebrows.

I giggled and got closser to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Does a hug make up for it?" I looked up at him and grined.

"No." He said, making his voice sound like a 5 year old not wanting to listen to anyone. 

"How about this?" I said as a got on my tippy-toes and kissed his jaw line.

"Maybe." He gave me the smallest and most adorable smile.

"C'mon lets get going." I suggested. Taylor smiled and nodded as he took my hand in his.

We walked hand-in-hand to his house. He began to swing our hands back and fourth and I smiled like an idiot the whole time.

Once we got to the house, I set my backpack down on the floor and began to take out all my materials when Taylor stopped me.

"Wait-" He said.

I looked up at him, and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I uh, I kinda already understood my homework and I would be able to do it without help." He said.

"You sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Besides, you've been looking really tierd lately, so I was thinking we could just relax a bit and maybe watch a movie?" He suggested.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. "I'll get the snacks!" I said as I ran into the kitchen.

"I'll get the blankets!" I heard Taylor say as he ran down the hallway.

I began to look around for snacks. I found some popcorn and a bag of potato chips. I grabbed the popcorn and put it in the microwave to pop. When it was done, I grabbed it and the potato chips and two cans of soda and set it on the coffee table in the living room.

"Hayleeey!" I heard Taylor yell.

I smiled to myself. "Whaaaat?" I yelled back.

"Come heerree!" 

 giggled as I made my way down the hallway. I walked to the door of his room and I stood there in the dorway. I looked down and saw Taylor wrapped up in a blanket so that only his head was showing.

"Look!" he said, "I'm a burrito!"

I was trying to keep in a laugh but I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. I was laughing so much that my sides began to hurt.

Once I calmed down a bit, I looked at Taylor and smiled. "You're such a dork." 

He let out a goofy laugh. "Hayley?" He asked.


"Wanna be a burrito with me?" His question made me burst out laughing once again.

"Sure," I said between giggles, "why not?"

He smiled and unwrapped himself and patted the spot next to him for me to lay down. I smiled and walked up to him and layed down next to him.

"Ready?" He asked me. I giggled and nodded my head. "One, two, three!" We began to roll around until we were wrapped up in the blanket. Once we were wrapped up, we looked at eachother and we both imideintly started laughing at how immature we were at times.

"You're such a child!" I laughed.

"Well growing up is no fun!" He replied in a childish voice.

"You're wierd." I said. "But I like you that way." I smiled at him. "You're my wierdo." I kissed his nose.

"We can be wierdos together!" He replied with the biggest smile on his face.

We both began to laugh and we unrolled ourselves. Once we were out of the blanket, we sat on the bed next to eachother. I placed my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me and kissed my head. At that moment, I didn't care about the notes and picture that I've been recieving. This is what I loved about him. He could take my mind off of anything.

"How about that movie?" He asked as he turned his head to look at me.

I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Let's go!" I smiled.

We got up from the bed and picked up the blankets and brought them over to the living room. He turned on the TV and began to look through the movie channels.

"Sleeping beauty!" I yelled as he came across that movie.

He groaned and made a fake pout face. I made the same face and placed my hand on his cheek. "Pretty please?" I asked.

"Okay fine." He chose the channel.

"Yay!" I yelled and kissed his cheek.

He grabbed the biggest blanket and covered both of us. I cuddled up on him and buried my face in his neck. He put his arm around me and used the other arm to eat the snacks that were layed out on the table.

By the time the movie was over, Taylor was sliently snoring. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I placed a soft kiss on his lips. I saw how his lips slowly curled up into the smallest smile. I giggled silently and noticed that his arm was still wrapped around me. I placed my head on his chest and clossed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep in his arms.

Love's Not A Competition(Tayley) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now