Chapter 23

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Hayley POV

I just finished getting ready as I heard a car pull up in my driveway. I got my phone and ran outside to see Jeremy's truck with litteraly everyone inside. Him, Kat, Gerard, Frank, Tay, Jordan, and Taylor were all inside. I'm surprised they all fit. I recieved a smile and wave from all of them and I returned it. They oppened the door to the backseat and I squeezed in next to Taylor.

"Hey Hayley!" Everyone said.

I giggled. "Hi guys." 

Jeremy started the car up once again and we were on our way to the party.

I felt a hand grip mine and I looked down and say Taylor's hand in mine. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back.

Kat looked at me. "You looks good, but there's one thing missing." She dug into her purse and took out a bow. "This goes great with your outfit." She said as she handed me the bow.

I chuckled and put the bow in my hair. "Thanks."

"You look really nice." Taylor whispered to me.

I smiled. "You don't look bad yourself." I gave him a playful punch in the arm. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

I looked around the car and say that Tay was starring at me. I guess Kat told her everything. She mouthed the words 'You good?' I grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and nodded her head.

A few minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of a house. Everyone got out of the car and smiled. You could hear the loud music flowing out of the windows that were open, you could see all the party lights, you could hear all the teenagers having fun, and all this from outside the house. 

"You guys ready?" Jeremy smiled at us.

Everyone smiled and nodded except for Gerard. "Teenagers scare me." He said.

Jordan chuckled. "C'mon dude, just loosen up and have some fun! I'm sure if you get too scared, Frankie will be here for you." Jordan patted Frank's back. Frank smiled at Gerard and Gerard smiled back.

"Alright lets go!" Tay threw 2 fist in the air and we all began to walk the front door.

The door was unlocked, so we just walked right on in. The music was playing really loud and everyone was cheering and partying. We were greated by a dude that looked about Jeremy's age. He told us to enjoy ourselves. 

"C'mon lets go dance!" Taylor took my hand in his and pulled me to the dance floor. 

"But I don't know how to dance!" I tried yelling over the music.

"You don't have to! Just have some fun!" Taylor smiled.

I just went along with it. We both danced and pretty soon, all our friends came out to the dance floor. Everyone was having fun and being goofy. I even say Tay and Jordan getting pretty close. We took a break from the dancing and looked for something to drink. Everyone got a beer except for me, Taylor, Tay, and Kat. I walked over to Tay. "So you and Jordan, huh?" I smirked.

She blushed. "You saw that?"

"I think everyone did." I giggled.

"Whatever." She smiled and gave me a friendly shove. "Taylor's looking lonely! Go go go!" She shooed me away. I smiled and walked back to Taylor. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"Some part, huh?" He said.

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back." He said and walked away.

I heard Kat call my name and I walked over to her. "Why are you being so awkward around him?" She asked me.

"It's not that awkard." I said.

She put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. "You have to tell him." 

I sighed. "I will, I will. Just, not tonight, okay?"

She sighed. "Fine, okay."

"I'll go find him right now, okay?" 

She nodded. I gave her a small smile and began to look for Taylor.

Taylor POV

I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom into and empty hallway. Figures, since the party was mostly downstairs. I began to walk down the hallway but a door opened, and two hands came out and pulled me into the room. They closed the door, locked it, and turned around. It was Eddie. 

"Hey there." He licked his lips. 

I felt really uncomfortable. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I hear you play guitar." He said, ignoring my question.

"Y-yeah, so what?" 

"I think guitar players are really cute." He said as he got closer to me.

"Okay dude, seriously, what do you want?" I asked, a bit angry.

He began to run his fingers down my chest. "You."

"Okay uh, no." I said as I pushed him away from me and walked to the door and unlocked it, but before I could open it, he pulled me away from the door. He pushed me up against the wall and crashed his lips on mine. I didn't like it one bit. I tried pushing him off but he was strong. Suddenly, the door slowly opened.

"Taylor?!" I heard my name.

I used all my force to push Eddie off me and looked at who was at the door.

"Hayley... no it's not what it looks like!" I pleaded.

I saw as the tears ran down her face and she ran out of sight. I cussed under my breath and looked at Eddie. I grew so angry. "You see what you did?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh C'mon, you know you liked it." He smirked.

Anger took over my body as I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor and I didn't bother to stay any longer. I ran out of the room in search of Hayley. I ran downstairs to Tay and Jordan. "Have you guys seen Hayley?" I asked worried.

"Yeah she ran out crying right now-" Once I heard that, I began to run outside. "Wait Taylor what did you do?!" Tay asked but I ignored her and kept running. I needed to find Hayley.

Hayley POV

I was running faster than ever. I needed to get away from all that. I couldn't believe it. Why would he do that? I just kept running as far as my feet could take me. The streets where dark and only a few of the street lights were on. I didn't even know where I was. I ran to one of the streetlights and stood there and whiped away my tears. The street was empty except for one car that was aproaching. I sat down on the floor and took the bow out of my hair and let it fall to the floor. I heard the car that was aproaching come to a stop not far up infront of me. Someone got out, but it was too dark to see who it was. I just looked down and whiped away more tears. I heard footsteps getting closer. The second I looked up, I was getting attacked by two hands. I screamed as this person picked me up and threw me over their shoulders.

"Let me go!" I screamed and kicked.

It carried me to the car and threw me in the backseat and got in as fast as they could. I heard the car doors lock. I began to pound on the windows and the door.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"I'm sure you were eager to find out what the rest of the words were as much as I was eager to get my hands on you." Said Chad.


(A/N: Sorry for any grammar mistakes or anything like that.)

Love's Not A Competition(Tayley) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now