Chapter 27

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Hayley POV

At least he feeds me. That is, if you call some crackers and a small cup of water 'food'. It's better than starving. He comes inside the room once in a while. I just try to avoid making eye contact with him. When he comes in, it's usually to give me some food or just being a creep. He's forced me to kiss him many times since we got here... and I'm too scared of him to say no. He always carries around his knife and gun with him, if only I could take them away...

The room was dark and the whole place was silent. There was no way of telling what time it was, there's no windows here, but I'm guessing it's night time. Mostly, I'll be able to hear his footsteps walking around the place, but everything is silent and still. Is he asleep? Did he go out to get something? I walked up to the door and put my ear up against it to try to hear anything. Nothing, just silence. Usually, since these doors are so thin, I'll be able to hear him snore from down the hall when he's asleep, but everything was just silent and still as could be. 

I stuck my hand out and gripped the door handle. I shut my eyes as I hoped that it would open if I turned it. And to my surprise, it did. I let out a deep sigh of relief as I pushed open the door. I took a step out and looked down the hall. No one seemed to be here. I quietly tip toed to every room to make sure that no one was here. No one was to be found. I keeped looking around just to see if I could find andything to help me. I peeked into a room and saw something in it. The knife and the gun, both just layed down on top of a table next to a bed. I quickly ran in the room and took them in my hands. I ran out of the room and I began to make my way to the front door. Before I could open the door, I heard the sound of a car pull up into the driveway.

My heart stopped and I froze. I heard the car door open and footsteps heading towards the door. I finally managed to move and run down the hall and into the first room with a bed inside. I heard the front door open and my heart was racing faster and faster. I crawled under the bed, careful not to make any noise or to accidentally cut myself with the knife that was in my hand. I heard footsteps coming up the hall. They walked past this room and farther down the hall, into what I believed was the room that I stayed in. Then, they started coming this way. They became louder and louder as they got closer to this room. I didn't dare move a muscle. They were so close that I could now see them, slowly walking around the bed. I could feel myself start to shiver. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a coin drop and hit the floor. I looked and sure enough, this coin rolled under the bed, right next to me. I saw as he got down on his hands and knees to pick up the coin.

No, no, no, no, please don't look down here, please.

I saw as his hand slip under the bed in search of the coin. Terror filled my body and I almost began to scream and cry. His hand moved side to side, only about an inch away from me. Once he felt the coin, he picked it up, and slowly got back up to his feet. I watched as he slowly made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. 

I let out a silent breath as I slowly crawled out of my hiding spot. I was about to run out of the room but I ran into a lamp and knocked it down and it made a loud sound when it hit the floor. I froze as I heard footsteps running my way. The door flew open and there he stood, looking angrier than ever.

"Hey!" Chad yelled at me and ran towards me. I screamed as he knocked me down on the ground. He took the knife out of my hand and cut my thigh. I shrieked really loud as I saw the blood start to run down my leg. I began sobbing and sobbing.

"Strike two." He said as he looked down at me.

I looked down at the gun in my hands. I pointed it up at him. My hands were shaking like crazy. "Let me go." I said to him

He just laughed. "Go ahead. Shoot me. I bet you're too scared to even pull the trigger. Go ahead! Pull it!"

"I..." He was right. I could never do it. I dropped the gun on the floor and he picked it up.

"That's what I thought." He smirked. "And also, you wouldn't do it if you cared about your little boyfriend."

"Taylor? What did you do to him!" I yelled at him.

He kneeled down at my level and examined my face. He ran his fingers down my cheeck and it send shivers lown my spine. "You have a pretty little face." He said.

"Wh-What did you do to Taylor?" I ignored his comment.

He picked me up and I let out a shriek because my leg stung like crazy. He pushed me up against the wall and looked at me. "That doesn't matter." He said. He got closer to me and he began to kiss my neck. 

"Get off me!" I yelled at him.

He pulled out the gun and held it up to my neck. "You don't want a strike out, do you?" My body shivered and I let a tear roll down my cheek. No, I didn't want to die... But I don't want him touching me either... "It's either you let me do what I want, or I pull this trigger, and you'll be gone forever." He said to me. I looked down at the floor and cried. I had no choice. I'm powerless.

"Good girl." He whispered into my ear. He resumed kissing my neck. He slid his hands under my shirt and ran his hands up and down my body. I silently cried to myself, knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop what was about to happen. He pulled of my shirt and....


I layed in bed and cried to myself for allowing him to do that. At this point, I wish I was dead. I wish none of this would've ever happened. I wished I would've just pulled that trigger and ended his life. He's a monster. A nasty bastard. I just... I feel so guilty, like if all this was my fault. I just want Taylor with me. I needed him. I hope he comes soon before anything else happens.


A/N: Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Only about 1 or 2 chapters left!

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