Chapter 14

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(A/N: Sorry I didn't update twice yesterday :/ but anyway THANKS FOR ALL THE READS! :D )

Taylor POV

Me and Hayley were sitting on the couch watching random movies that we didn't even know of. All I know about the movie that we are watching right now is that it's a horror movie and it's pretty scary. Everytime a scary scene will come on, Hayley would either jump or cover her eyes halfway. She was so cute. Why was I ever mad at her? Who cares dude she might be spending the night at your house tonight. I prayed and prayed that my parents will be okay with it.

Speaking of my parents, the front door opened and both my parents and Justin came in the house. My mom looked a little surprised when she saw Hayley.

"Oh, hello." my mom said. Hayley just smiled her adorable smile and waved.

"Mom... c-can Hayley spend the night? No one is at her house and she's not confortable being alone there." I told my mom.

"Uh yeah sure. Mi casa es su casa" my mom said, meaning for Hayley to make herself at home. 

"Go set up the guest bedroom Taylor." My dad said.

I nodded and got up from the couch and walked to the guest bedroom with Hayley following behind me. 

"Uh, Taylor, may I take a shower?" Hayley asked. "I'm kinda all dirty from when he threw me on the floor." Hayley said, reffering to Chad.

"Yeah sure, the shower is the second door to the right down the hall." I said pointing to where the shower was.

"Thanks." she said and began to walk to the bathroom.

I continued to set up the bed as I heard the shower turn on. Suddenly, Justin came in the room with a huge grin on his face. 

"What do you want?" I asked, a bit annoyed.

"So, are you guys gonna get it on tonight?" He asked, smirking.


"Are you and Hayley gonna get it on?" he repeated, "Because if you won't, I wouldn't mind taking your spot."

"Shuttup Justin!" I shouted.

He laughed. "Dude I was just joking!"

"Yeah whatever, I just don't want to find you in here with her in the morning."

"Whatever dude!" He said as he began to walk out of the room. I shook my head. Sometimes, my brother is too much. 

I heard the shower doors open, meaning that Hayley is finished. A few minutes later, the door opened and her head popped out.

"Uh, Taylor?" She called for me.


"I... Uh... I kinda need clothes..." She said awkwardly.

I chuckled. "I'll let you wear some of my clothes."

I walked into my room and picked out a plain white teeshirt and some adjustable basetball shorts. I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. When she opened it, her hair was all wet and the only thing covering her up was a towel. I handed her the clothes and we both blushed. She clossed the door.

I walked back into the guest room to make sure I gave Hayley the best pillows that we had available. The shower door opened and out came Hayley wearing my clothes. My shirt went down to her mid thighs and my shorts were just super big. One word; adorable. She walked up to me and I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" She asked, smiling back. 

"I think you rock my clothes better than I do." I said laughing a bit.

"Is that so?" she said, poking my stomach. We both began to laugh. After a while, she began to yawn.

"Tierd?" I asked. She nodded.

"C'mon, lets go get you to your room." I took her hand and walked her too the room even though it was only like 3 doors down. She crawled into the bed looked at me. 

"Thanks for everything, T." she smiled.

"No problem. What are friends for?" I said, only I didn't only want to be friends with her.

"Friends..." she repeated but sounded a bit upset. 

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks again." She made an effort to smile.

"Alright well goodnight Hayley." I smiled. 

"Night Taylor." She said as she began to shut her eyes. I walked out and closed the door. I went to bed that night thinking about how her tone was upset when I said friends. Did she want to be more than friends? I hope so.


Hayley POV

I woke up really early for two reasons. One, because it was as hot as an oven in the house, and two, because I had to pee. I gotup out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, only to see that the light was on, meaning there was someone in there. So I just decided to wait there. Not a minute later, the door opened and out came Taylor. Shirtless. I looked at his body up and down. It looked like he'd been working out a lot lately.

"Sorry," he said, "I didn't expect you to be up this early and it was really hot in my room." He said in a sleepy voice. Gosh Taylor if you wanted us to be just friends than don't let me see you shirtless and don't talk in a super sexy sleepy voice because I just want to kiss you, dammit. 

"It- it's fine." I said.

"Well since you're awake, after you use the bathroom, wanna go watch some morning cartoons or something?" He asked.

"Sure, I'd be down there in a bit." I said. He smiled and began to walk to the living room. 

After I used the restroom, I walked into the living room and Taylor was already channel surfing for a cartoon for us to watch. I saw that he now had a shirt on and I have to admit, I was a bit dissapointed. He saw me and patted a spot next to him for me to sit. I sat down and he settled the channel on spongebob.

"Hey look it's you!" He said, pointing at the gap in spongebob's teeth and the gap in my teeth.

"Meanie!" I playfully stuck my tongue out at him and poked his stomach. We both laughed. We just sat there and watched cartoons all morning. 

Love's Not A Competition(Tayley) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now