Chapter 20

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(A/N: If you are uncomfortable with reading intense kissing scenes, then I suggest maybe you read up to where the scene starts, and skip that part.)

Hayley POV

I had recieved another photo today. Same camera quality. But this one wasn't taken at school. This looked like someone was in Taylor's backyard, looking at us through his glass sliding door. The photo as a picture of me and Taylor whe we had fallen asleep in eachother's arms on the couch. There was also something written in the back.

"...your..." It read. My what? I sighed and walked to my 3rd period class. On my way, I saw Taylor, so I went up to him and hugged him tight. He chuckled and kissed my forhead. As he did this, I heard the sound of a camera click. I quickly let go of Taylor and looked in the direction that the camera click came from. Who I saw didn't surprise me, but it made me a bit angry. Chad. It was Chad. He saw that I caught him taking a picture of us, and he ran off.

"Hayley what's wrong?" Taylor asked me with a worried expression on his face.

"Nothing, nothing." I said. I noticed that I said that with a bit of anger in my voice.

"Seriously Hayley, is someone bothering you?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Just-" I began to say. I looked up at him and saw how worried he looked. "Just... I'm fine... don't worry about me. I'm okay."

He gave me the are you sure look and I nodded my head. The bell rang, indicating that we were going to be late for class. 

"I gotta go." Taylor said as he pulled me in and kissed the top of my head. "Bye." He said as he began to jog to his class.

I sighed and began walking to my class.

"Miss Williams, you are tardy." My teacher told me.

"Sorry." I said and walked to my desk and sat down.

The teacher began the lesson and I blanked out. There were so many questions in my head. Why is Chad taking pictures of me and Taylor? What did Chad mean by when he whispered in my ear "Next time, I'll get more than just a kiss" after he pounded on me and Taylor? Why did each photo that he sent me only have one word on it? And lastly, why can't I just tell Taylor what's going on? 

I sighed quietly as I realised that I had no answers to these questions. Maybe I just need to talk to someone who knew at least more than I did about Chad. The first people that came to my mind were Tay and Kat. I'll talk to them at lunch.

-Lunch break-

I ran out of my class looking for Tay and Kat. I found them walking to the lunchroom, but I stopped them before the went any further.

"Woah Hayley settle down there." Tay giggled.

"Everything okay?" Kat asked.

"Well actually, I need to ask you guys about something." I said.

They both looked at eachother, then back at me, giving me all their attention.

"Do you know anyone who's dated Chad in the past?" I asked.

Tay put on her thinking face, then shook her head. "No, what about you?" She asked, looking at Kat.

"I think so." She said.

"Okay good," I said, "do you know anything about what happened when they broke up?"

"I heard quite a few rumors." She said.

"Rumors of..." I said, sounding a bit impatient.

"Rumors that he became super obssesed with her. Someone told me that she broke up with his because he was too clingy. But breaking up with him only made it worse. Someone said that he stalked her for a long time. She got so scared that she begged her family to move away. So they did, and Chad hasn't gone that crazy for someone since." She said.

Love's Not A Competition(Tayley) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now