Love's Not A Competition(Tayley)

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(A/N: Hello, this is like my first fanfic ever written, so im sorry for any mistakes or if its too rushed or yeah haha well here it is, ps; please comment and yeah haha)

Hayley's POV

         Well here i am, in Tennessee, ready to begin my new life as a junior. My mom and I moved here after my parents divorced. My mom says that if we moved, we can start fresh, and forget about the past. I guess it's a good thing for her, but for me, not so much. You see, I've practically been bullied my whole life, no matter where I go. Kinder was probably the only year i didnt really get picked on. Elementary school: i got bullied 3rd-6th grade. Middle school: even worse. Highschool: I don't know, you tell me; I was known as "the super short emo girl with stupid red hair." I guess I was a bit emo but I loved my hair, it really defines me as a person. In my freshman year, I didn't make any friends until the second semester(more like only one; Jessica.) As a sophmore, i succsessfully made 2 more friends; Cassey and Melissa. But since I'm moving away, they'll probably forget about me, even though they promised they wouldn't. 

          I guess my mom has been planning to leave for quite a while, because she had already bought a house. She said she wanted to live here because she had her eye on a new job over here, but I know that's not the reason. You see, she's been seeing this guy, I'm still unsure of what his name is but i know they've been sneaking around. All i know is that he lives here in Tennessee and that he works for a big company. So I wasn't so surprised when my mom announced that we were going to move here. I'm sure sooner or later I'm going to meet this guy.

         Well anyway, it's about to be August, so that means school starts in about 2 weeks. Horray, that means more bullies. I'm not looking forward to being fresh meat. If I had the choice, I'd lock myself in my room and listen to music all day. I wish i was in a band, but im sure I'll need to learn how to play an instrument first. I've been dying to learn how to play the guitar, and I've been begging my mom, and all I get in response is "lessons are too expensive." I know i can sing, but guitar seems so fun. I actually became friends with Cassey and Melissa because they admired my voice. If I  were in a band, I'll quit school and go share my talent, even though I'm really smart,  a 4.0 student. Yeah i know what you're thinking; "why would she want to quit school if shes doing so well?" but you see, i said i was good at school, I never said i enjoyed it. But hopefully, things will be better this year.

         Since school is around the corner, you probably think i'll be out, shopping for clothes, but i am curently laying in bed, earplugs shoved in my ear, blasting Green Day. I know the reason we moved here was to "start new," but truth is, I'm at the point of no longer caring. Yeah, yeah, i know my mom is going to get on my case for not even trying, but really, what's the point? I can now judge the world and i see that it is an ugly place filled with monsters. If im lucky, I'll find good people in this world. I wish i can stop the whole world from turning into a monster, but im just a super small girl with firey red hair, who the world has already eaten alive.  But maybe i should at least put a litlle bit of effort. If i could only open up my eyes and try to see the beauty in this world. I've tried seeing the beauty many times before, but all i saw was ugly. I'll just keep my hopes low, you know, so if something good happens, it'll take me by surprise, and if something bad happens, I won't be so surprised.

          Taylor's POV

          Yeah, yeah, school's around the corner yay whatever. I hate school. Getting up early, being in a classroom with people i hate, coming home to a buttload of homework. Thats not the way i want to live. I want to be in a band, so i can show my parents that i dont need school. I could just rock out on my guitar all day. I guess the only reason i hate school is because im not good at it. Yeah im kind of failing. But it's not my fault, i just get to confused and it makes no sense to me. my mom is looking for a tutor for me, but i keep on begging her not to. I don't know why i don't want help, i guess you its because, well, why would i want to get better at something i don't even enjoy? I also hate how much i get compared to my brother, Justin. He's smart and all, and he's tried to help me with school, but he has no patience, so he just gives up on me. Lets just hope this year, i get a super cool teacher who actaully knows how to teach  me, and not just give up on me.

         In school, I'm kind of known as "the jerk". Well I AM always in a bad mood, and i do take it out on other people, but sometimes, i can be just a plain old butthead. I've kind of been like this ever since my break up with my ex girlfriend, Kate. I mean, who wouldn't be like this? She used me, and then just broke my heart, not with a simple "i can't do this anymore" but with actions. I found out she was cheating on me with some snobby rich kid, and shes still with him right now. After the break up, i was just so confused. She used to be so lovey and all that and we had a great time together. We were together for almost 2 1/2 years. I noticed her personality started to change, but i kind of pushed it out of the way. I was head over heals for this girl, and I was willing to do whatever it took to make it through another year. But i guess if only one of us tries, it wouldn't work out. She changed, so why couldnt I? Well now im known as "Taylor the jerk" but at least she's known as "Kate the slut".

          After Kate, I've kinda been rude to every girl I've met. Sometimes I do feel bad, but I try to keep my jerk so that i show that im not weak, even though deep down inside, im struggling to keep going. It'll take  miracle to get rid of the jerk inside me.


      A/N: So that's the first chapter haha. hopefully you guys liked it and yeah haha. I will try my best to keep updting but you guys will probably rarely get an update on a weekday. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

   Don't forget to let out your inner freak


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