Chapter 35 - Ambush

Start from the beginning

After that, Barnstormer disappeared after losing her hand and found her calling in the carnage and brutal rituals in Caldor pit fighting. Now she fulfilled that adrenaline rush and need for revenge by using her Trait weapon as a second hand. 

Her ability over magnetism allowed the second tomahawk to be repelled or attached to the other so her vicious attack style became even more erratic and unpredictable. She got her name by using her Earth Trait to level an entire street in  Pelt with a single swing of her axes. But the Swarm wasn't the only gang with a group of Traited. 

With the structure of notable criminals becoming Enforcers being exceedingly common, more and more gangs had hired thugs and lone hires to deal with their dirty work. Of course, where criminals went the detectives soon followed. 

The arrival of the Mediators and the Sixth Order soon developed a rivalry only for it to become far more hostile as the crimes continued. Eventually it escalated it to a murder spree, Enforcers laying traps for them even turning to full on kidnapping and torture. 

Corruption within their ranks and brutality against workers caused the Mediators to doubt their own purpose.  They vented frustrations against the criminal underworld, causing the cycle to continue. It was a miracle Mantis' group had agreed to a truce at all.

"How? How did they find us here of all places?"

The thought of Rin's conversation of how hard it was to track his Trait flitted into his mind, his heart sinking at the thought of such a devastating Traits capabilities. But Cricket was still nowhere to be seen.


Odi's voice rang true throughout the darkened shell of her Trait, causing Hawkins to abruptly remember the real reason for standing here. It didn't matter about the Enforcers or lack of Cricket or even his fear of fighting. He needed to breathe and focus on one thing at a time.

Mantis stepped to the side, offering him a hint of a smile before they raised their hands and simultaneously commanded their Trait. With a sweep of their hands the condensed smoke and constricting winds halted and reversed its flow.

"If I had to guess, Hornet has more people hired to deal with you. More than I thought. She could've gotten us out of here easily but for some reason…our leader called them instead."

Hawkins nodded to acknowledge her, noticing the insulted but increasingly worried tone in her voice. It was like she had forgotten about her own Boss or perhaps, felt no allegiance to her after being stuck in a hole with her worst enemy. But he couldn't help but theorise about what Mantis meant about the Swarm leader 'getting them out of here.' The entrance had been blocked for days.

Odi's shadows began to lower like a slowly descending guillotine as the Culverin Twins began to envelop the abandoned lot with their heat. The Infernal grimoire floated between the two, cover already opened with pages flickering like embers before dissipating with every movement.

"So, do we have a change of plans to deal with them and Cricket or…"

Hack had sidled over, one eye on the commotion beyond the rubble laden Creatist Trait insects unable to move. The smoke laden wind and invisible obstacle course was preventing them from moving an inch. But Hawkins knew Hack could see the situation as clear as day, after all Sand Wraith's eyesight improved with age.

"Already working on it. There's at least three of 'em."

Hawkins blinked twice, trying to process how she knew how many without being able to see through the smoke. He racked his brains, trying to think of a book or tome about Air Traited in the Halls of Mediation. The only thing he could think of was being able to tell depending on their breathing. But pinpoint breathing was harder than him being able to separate his Dual Trait into air and smoke.

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