Chapter 1: Assessments

Start from the beginning

"Right." Wilson nodded, looked out the corner of his eye. "Well look what th' cat done drug up in hea."

"Well hello to you too." Martay Arnold said jokingly as he shook Wilson's hand, then Jameson's.

"Where's the rest of the team?"  Jameson asked.

"They're getting out of their vehicles now.  They'll be in shortly."

Five minutes later, Gretchen Von Kirst, Ignacio Barton, Thomas Martin, and Kelvin Thomas filed in the door, each shaking hands with Wilson and Jameson.  they eagaged in small talk before Jameson dramatically cleared his throat

"Alright guys let's settle in we gotta alot to do today, and we also got a trainin' rotation today."

"What do we got today mate?"  Thomas Martin asked.

"Fast rope and CQB training."

"My two favorites!!" Martay Arnold said.

Everyone laughed.

"Ok guys, let's get to work."  Jameson said.  And the team's day began.


Madrid, Spain

1130a CET

The man stared at the the report from Lt. MacDougall, and was appalled, no he actually wanted to throw up.  This sort of collateral damage is not what anyone expected.  He thought. Never in the history of US-Spainish relations had anyone dared to attack US or Spainish interests, but it has happened, and we are undermanned to deal with it.  You think after 9-11...He swore to himself, but his thoughts were somewhere else and he thought about his wife and their 13 year old daughter.  They lived in America, and even more so lived in New York.  They were New Jersey when the planes hit.  His thoughts wondered to what he would have done had he lost his wife and daughter that day, but his thoughts were interupted by a young man's voice.

"Exscuse me sir?"  The young man asked. 


"Another dispatch from Rota sir."

"New developments?"

"Some."  The young petty officer began.  "CASEVAC is still ongoing.  There is still no real count of missing or dead, and the Spainish Prime Minister will be meeting with the American Prime Minister today."

"Anything else?"

"We are waiting for some video form the company that supplies the hotel with security cameras.  The cameras were destroyed in the exsplosion, but the images were uploaded to a server here in Madrid. We have a team looking at it now.  It might help us identify the people responsible."

"How soon?"

"Within the next four or five hours."

"Uh huh."  Sean Connally said thoughtfully.  He looked down then up at the young petty officer.  Let me know of any new developments and when that video is available."

"Yes sir." As he turned to walk away his phone rang. "Yes."  He answered.  "Yes, good, good.  Upload it to me now."

"News?" Connally asked.

"Yes sir.   We have the hotel feed.  It is being uplaoded to your email now." 

"Okay. I'm looking at it now." While looking at his screen.  After looking at the screen for 45 minutes he noticed the person weilding the m240 LMG.

"There!"  Connally said.  "Look here."  The petty officer came around the desk and saw the image of the young man.  He grabbed his phone from the holster and made a call.

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