Chapter Fourteen

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I stayed at my apartment for the past few days. I was happy and giddy. I was literally floating. When I went out, helped the old lady crossing the street. I picked flowers for the kids. I said hi to the people who walked by.

At home, I was catching up on the news. I read the newspaper that slid under my door everyday. I drank some coffee and blasted my music in the house. I danced and sang. I drew portraits that I didn't finish and sold them online. I set up my own business pretty much. I've gotten so many likes and comments, I've haven't felt so happy.

I had made new friends. One of them is named Jersey and she lives near me. She is very nice and we are going to finally meet face to face next week. I also have another friend who's name is William. He lives in the U.K. but he was the first to see my business. He is a very nice person and I would say we are great friends.

Anyways, I planned to go to the shop and get some things here. Boring, I know, but it's something I haven't really done in a while. After shopping though, I planned on going to the gym to exercise.

I started going on a diet as well! I had a schedule on my brand new phone and wrote down whatever I ate, which makes it kind of hard for me. I'm the one who usually ordered pizza twice a week. So, this is actually kind of hard for me to do.

At this point to, I have no contacts with Pepper. I haven't seen her or talked to her for a while. She hasn't texted me, she hasn't come up to me and said anything. I kind of miss her craziness and her ling talks. I miss seeing her with her boyfriend. They were very nice to me. I think I will miss them very much. Though, they will be there in my heart, forever.


I was out on the shop when William texted me. 'Hey! I'm heading up to Ireland soon! Do you want to meet up in a few weeks?' I replied back. 'Yeah sure! When exactly are you coming in?' 'I am coming in two weeks, which will be in May.'

Since, William is coming over, I might as well start a supply of food and clean up my old second room in my house. So, that's exactly what I did. After coming home and putting the groceries away, I started to clean up.

My life is changing by the minute...


Sorry I haven't posted in a long while! I'm very busy with school and haven't had time to sit down and finish this up. But tonight I did!

Also, plot twist. This chapter seemed boring to write but I promise you it will get better! :)

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