Chapter Twenty Seven

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" we all have to suffer, it's how we grow."
Chapter Twenty Seven
Ain't No Princess

Sure I grew up in a huge house and my family was rich but I wasn't a princess.

I grew up hunting with my father and uncles, always working on beaten down cars with Sullivan and going fishing with dad.

I was the tomboy of the family, I wasn't afraid to get my hands dirty. But at times I envied Amara, she did everything flawlessly and was the pure definition of perfect daughter.

I never hated her though, I liked who I was - I just wish I could have been more like her.

Shaking my head my eyes pop open when the door to the room opened and one of the men grabbed my chained arm and unlocked the heavy metal before dragging me out.

For a moment I thought they knew Louisa escaped but when I was shoved roughly into a room with Cage standing patiently I knew they didn't. He just wanted to have his sick fun.

His eyes roam over my body and he tuts, shaking his head, "Your filthy," He mutters, causing a snort to escape me.

"Please, your making me blush," I retort sarcastically, earning a slap from him but honestly it was worth it. Anything to get at Cage was worth it.

He threw me against the wall and grunted, "Your so chatty," He snaps, walking over to a table and grabbing his beer.

"I'll be heading out tomorrow," He begins before turning around and smirking at me, "I'm sure my men will take great care of you." He says and I roll my eyes.

I crack my knuckles, "Can I go now?" I snapped and he narrowed his eyes before throwing a stack of clothes at me.

"Take a shower, you look disgusting," He spat, "You'll be taking one of the extra bedrooms," He added on before leaving me. Slamming the door shut behind him, he honestly confused me.

There was still a part of him that cared.

He did at one point love my sister

In some aspects I could see why she fell for a guy like him - he was handsome and dangerous.

My sister loved living on the wild side so Cage was a good fit for her, he treated her well.

Until some things went down and he couldn't have my sister in his life and that messed him up bad.

He became angry at the world

I pity Cage because he lost love, and he let it destroy him - turning him into this monster.

Turning on the hot water I let the water run as I strip out of my clothes, wincing when I felt pain in my back.

I was exhausted and just wanted to go home, and I missed my baby Kahl.

Crying I let the hot water burn my body as I step in, letting it soak my skin as I closed my eyes and felt my heart crumble.

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